Previously: Tone married Sam, and they had two babies who were just about to become kids!
We start with Tintin's bday. Wiggle wiggle.
EXPLODE! In sport's outfit. Well, no.
Post-make over. Quite pretty!
Tintin: Let's jump in the bed all night!
Tone: Hi cute Timotej.
Timotej: Hi Mummy!
Tintin: Uhm, shower plz?
He's a puddle jumper! (stargate atlantis joke just happened)
Tintin: You want this kiddo? Huh huh?
Timotej: Gimme!
Yep, they did this. For hours.
Timotej's bday! Yep, she needs a bath, I know.
We have an attention whore!
Kids, you are not excited about school. You just want to get out of that box your parents call a home.
Tintin: Why do my grades suck?
Timotej: *runs for it*
Yep, we got an outdoor bathroom again. And Timotej just loves it.
a little too much.
HAHAHAHAHA! Maybe we should put floors in that bathroom soon?
Random kid from school: Have you heard about kisses?
RK: I've heard that couples kiss ALL THE TIME!
Tone: Yeah... couples.
RK: ++
Tone: Not all couples do that, you know?
Oh Tone, don't bring up your totally love-less marriage now. Once a new heir takes over, you'll have time to woohoo all the way until Death comes.
Tone: +
RK: WTH just happened?
After playing with her for a while, Tone finally got Timotej to do her homework. Or so we thought. Apparently her fun bar was so low, that what happened instead was SMUSTLE TIME!
What happened next was me, via Tone, trying to save Timotej's grades. They were very, very bad. So after some showering and more fun, there was homework finally done!
Tone was alone all day, so of course she smustled.
And fixed broken stuff.
Timotej is not a happy child.
Two bathrooms honey.
Can't blame any one but yourself!
We managed this one too!
He definitely choosed the calmest place; radio blaring and phone ringing. Hope you enjoy that paper Sam!
Tone got promoted!
Before work/school smustle! I'm starting to love this family!
They are so (ACR) cute!
Chance card --> demotion. So what does Tone do when she gets home?
Dance of I Am Awesome! Of course -_-
But then she went back, and got promoted, so that was good!
Sam got promoted too! Yay!
Timotej: ZZZzzzZZZZ
Tintin: *worries*
Sam: This isn't good right?
Tintin went and played with the new comp. Don't think you're creating your future husband there, hon. No more black haired guys for a few gens!
And with that I leave you for now!
Torch-Holders: 1
Perma-Platinum sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 0
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Accidental Deaths: 0
Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count: 0
Reach top of a career: 0
100,000: 0