Disclaimer: Uhm, not mine.
Rating: G
Warning/ Category: nein.
Challenge Response: #11; FRE CHOICE at
samcarter100 working hard, hardly working
"Thank you." Sam took the plate from Jack.
"You must be hungry." He eyed her pizza.
"Starving." She picked up a slice.
"Yeah surveillance work's really tough."
She chuckled.
"If you say so, sir."
"Hey this is an important mission!" He took a bite of his pizza. "How's it looking?"
Sam looked over his shoulder, out through the window.
"Good... Both look relaxed; they don't know we're here."
She smiled. It was a really nice restaurant, she had to credit their victims for choosing this place.
Jack looked up.
"So. You think Daniel's gonna dare kiss her good night?"
please tell me if something's misspelled or if it's not 100 words. i'm not at home and don't have MS Word. yeah, this is a very old computer i tell ya.