Mutants Assemble!

Dec 17, 2011 18:02

Who: Anyone who wants to show up (Open)
What: A little meeting for anyone who wants to get some tutoring on how to control their powers, or just to meet other people with powers.
When: Today (Saturday), in the afternoon
Where: The Chapel, for starters. People are free to move elsewhere, especially if they want a more open space to experiment with ( Read more... )

toph bei fong, charles xavier, talia, scott summers, shalnark, jael, ezra, sollux captor, logan/wolverine, tsia matsallen

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thii2ii22tupiid December 18 2011, 11:21:32 UTC
Sollux is not missing this. He doesn't think they'll be able to help him (or that he needs any help aside from getting his powers back up to their previous level), but he wants to see how humans do this 'school' thing. Also it should be hillariously stupid.
So he's around, watching, and keeping (mostly) quiet at first.


thii2ii22tupiid December 21 2011, 05:27:07 UTC
"Here I don't have much of a choice in the matter."


rocklikerunaway December 21 2011, 12:26:00 UTC
"Sounds to me like you're scared."


thii2ii22tupiid December 21 2011, 20:33:05 UTC
"Scared? As if. The only thing in this place that's managed to hurt me is time-and-space fucking tunnels with no way out. I may be weaker but I can still take care of myself."


rocklikerunaway December 24 2011, 15:06:56 UTC
"What's the matter, did baby get lost?"

For Toph, a tunnel could never truly be scary, even if it were pitch dark.

As long as it was made of stone.


thii2ii22tupiid December 24 2011, 16:08:18 UTC
"You can't get lost when there's no direction."


rocklikerunaway December 26 2011, 13:32:28 UTC
"Then what happened? Did they come alive?" She lifts her hands either side of her face and curls her fingers like claws "Oh no! The tunnels are going to eat me!"


thii2ii22tupiid December 26 2011, 13:36:56 UTC
"Something like that. They change around when you aren't looking, and even if you are they only lead to nothing."

Sollux hmphs. "It doesn't fucking matter, the point was nothing here is even a remote threat to me."


rocklikerunaway December 30 2011, 15:38:34 UTC
"Except for scary tunnels," She finishes. "Got it."


thii2ii22tupiid December 30 2011, 20:42:23 UTC
"Ugh. Never-fucking-mind."


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