Mutants Assemble!

Dec 17, 2011 18:02

Who: Anyone who wants to show up (Open)
What: A little meeting for anyone who wants to get some tutoring on how to control their powers, or just to meet other people with powers.
When: Today (Saturday), in the afternoon
Where: The Chapel, for starters. People are free to move elsewhere, especially if they want a more open space to experiment with ( Read more... )

toph bei fong, charles xavier, talia, scott summers, shalnark, jael, ezra, sollux captor, logan/wolverine, tsia matsallen

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fallintheriver December 18 2011, 04:09:52 UTC
What is Ezra even doing here? He's not even completely sure that these people can do anything for him. But if they can, that would be great, so... oh, to hell with it. He's obviously uneasy as he slinks into the room, keeping to the walls and generally watching from the sidelines.


eyebeam_envy December 18 2011, 05:28:39 UTC
Ezra, hiding out is not the point of this shindig. Scott is making a point of talking to everyone who shows up, so here he is.

"Hello there."


ezra: the king of conversationalists. fallintheriver December 18 2011, 05:57:13 UTC
Dammit, Scott, he was trying to go unnoticed. So much for that.

Ezra gives the man a good look over, expression sullen and posture defensive. But he recognizes the voice as the one who invited everyone here in the first place, so he lets himself loosen up the tiniest bit.



/places a crown onto his head eyebeam_envy December 18 2011, 06:11:14 UTC
Hey, he may have no peripheral vision and poor color reception thanks to his visor, but he makes up for them by being attentive.

"I'm Scott Summers. I organized this event. Are you here for tutoring, or just to watch, or get to know people?"

Scott keeps his demeanor friendly. This is a safe place for everyone, no matter what they're here for. Unless, of course, their purpose is to threaten the safety of others. Then they get an laserpunch in the face. But that's not relevant to their conversation, right?


fallintheriver December 19 2011, 03:54:55 UTC
No, of course not. Ezra wouldn't hurt a fly. ...Unless that fly was a human and they were too near to water. But hey, that's what he was here for.

"Tutoring. I guess." He pauses a second, then adds, "For control."


eyebeam_envy December 20 2011, 04:58:13 UTC
Scott nods. "Okay. Can you explain what kind of ability you have? What can you do, when does it happen, do you have any control over it?" That should be enough to figure out who would be best suited to help him.


fallintheriver December 20 2011, 05:46:26 UTC
"I'm a shapeshifter, but I've got good control of that." After five years of daily tutoring, he'd better. "It's actually... I guess it's not a power, but you're used to helping with weird... dangerous things, right?"

Ezra watches Scott carefully, trying to measure his response.

"Do you promise you wont do anything to me if I tell you what it is?"


eyebeam_envy December 20 2011, 05:53:34 UTC
The visor probably isn't helpful with reading Scott's face, but he understands powers that can do horrible things without the "user's" intentions.

"I promise. We're not here to judge you for things that happened because you weren't in control. We're here to make sure whatever it is doesn't happen again."


fallintheriver December 20 2011, 06:26:37 UTC
"I instinctually try to drown humans when I'm near water." It's off his tongue before he has the chance to change his mind about the whole thing, and he's launching into a defensive, babbled explanation not a second later.

"It's not like a want to! That's why I'm here. I just can't help it. But my dad was really good at controlling it, so maybe I can learn too if someone helps me, but I don't want to hurt anyone while I'm trying to not hurt anyone so I thought maybe you could help me do it safely because I don't know who else to ask."

Yeah, Ezra isn't used to people reacting positively about this.


eyebeam_envy December 20 2011, 06:42:23 UTC
"...That is a problem."

Instinct, huh? That's not going to be an easy fix. He's probably going to need coaching over a long period of time, and probably more than one coach. Better find out as much as possible.

"You said you're a shapeshifter. Do you shift when this instinct kicks in? And does it happen near any kind of water or just deep water?"


fallintheriver December 20 2011, 07:14:12 UTC
That... was a surprisingly good response. Sharing these secrets with Scott was seeming more and more like a good decision.

"Usually. I'm a lot stronger in my natural form, and it kind of makes it easier to... keep them under." He fidgets.

"Rain and puddles are fine, but even a bathtub is enough to make me want to do it. I'm really weak in this form though, so as long as you have your feet on the ground it's pretty hard for me to get you in far enough to do anything bad."


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