Today's forecast: 13C/55.5F - sunny day. Yes indeed, although it started with frost this morning, so I'm really glad that I covered up my lemon trees last night to protect them. I have been able to put the laundry out on the line to dry outside which is good
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Comments 7
Thanks for the "how to post to Dreamwidth so that it includes photos" instructions.
The email posting is quite easy and if I have a lot of photos it will be much easier to do as you just add them in the email and then you can edit afterwards in DW if you want to change the layout etc. It's better than nothing :)
We had a frost over night, too. Luckily none of my plants minded.
The weather is weird. Yesterday all the houses and cars were covered in sand from the Sahara which washed out of the air with the rain!
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