So - they're making another Indiana Jones film...isn't Harrison Ford pushing past 78??
Mr Cee suggested: 'Indiana Jones and The Old People's Home" as a possible title. How about "Indiana Jones and the Replacement Hip Surgery' or 'Indiana Jones Forgets Where He Left his Keys". Bless him.... How much CGI will there be to make it look like Mr Ford
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Comments 18
Sensibly it should be Indiana Jones the next generation and have him as a grandfather that is either encouraging the grandchildren to have adventures, or whose grandchildren totally don't believe any of his reminiscences :)
I am not a fan of rodents and having one in my house would have freaked me out. Glad to hear that you were able to get it out of the house. When we had Duck he never (thank goodness) caught anything, although we had a dog that caught a mouse twice.
I especially like "Indiana Jones Forgets Where He Left his Keys"
Indiana Jones and his hearing aid......
Sherlock is so impressive in retrospect - such massive investment in that first series when they didn't know how it would land. The first and third episodes of that are just brilliant.
Sherlock is really quite astonishing. Watching it through I like there’s threads through all the episodes binding them together.
I'm with ya on disliking hot humid days. I think 118 was my personal best in AZ, but at least it was dry.
Yes - I can’t believe Harrison Ford needs the money .... maybe they made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
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