So today I...

Aug 15, 2011 01:34

...went to listen to renaissance music - including costumes and dancers! - and, during the break, got to try to play a rebec and what I think was a viol [eta: I googled some more because "viol" didn't look quite right and it looks as though it was actually a vielle]. (the rebec was awesome. mini-violin! :D) I think my favourite instrument of the ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

elenbarathi August 15 2011, 00:45:29 UTC
No, no, I'm encouraging you; do it! Medieval music rocks! More medieval music in Morrowind can only be a good thing.

How cool you got to play a rebec! I've seen pics and heard recordings; haven't seen a real one yet. I have a jones for the bowed psaltry; have played a number of them, and they're so ethereal - so far have resisted buying one, though.


calaethis August 15 2011, 01:05:36 UTC
Stop. There. Happy? Because I'm not =p. Keep going! Onwards! Upwards! Fic! Music! More! =p.


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