So today I...

Aug 15, 2011 01:34

...went to listen to renaissance music - including costumes and dancers! - and, during the break, got to try to play a rebec and what I think was a viol [eta: I googled some more because "viol" didn't look quite right and it looks as though it was actually a vielle]. (the rebec was awesome. mini-violin! :D) I think my favourite instrument of the lot was the organetto; my least favourite, the rackett. (My thought was "...I think I know why they went out of fashion.") The weirdest had to be the serpent.

I am currently writing my Morrowind fic again, which is as fantasy does set in sort of vaaaaguely pseudo-medieval times and also lutes are an in-game item. I am now considering working out music and dance and introducing rebecs, sacbuts, shawms and cornetts.

...someone should probably stop me.
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