Doctor who blathering

Nov 19, 2008 22:02

I'm about 13 minutes into The Romans-- First Doctor, with Ian, Barbara, and Vicki. My official reaction ( Read more... )

dw: first doctor, meta, cl of gea universe, doctor who, rant, comment-fic, torchwood

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Comments 10

Long post is long! Going in order. stunt_muppet November 20 2008, 05:26:56 UTC

ASKWJFNIAWNFIJEFO: YES THEY ARE. I luff One lots. For all the talk of being grumpy he's kind of adorable. And VICKI who he cuddles and pokes on the nose and generally treats like a substitute granddaughter. And oh, oh BARBARA. I have a girlcrush on Barbara and a mancrush on Ian to match. And I love that Barbara is so competent and so tough and yet so...not scary. And that Ian becomes wonderfully singleminded whenever he thinks Barbara might be in danger.

Mostly I just enjoy it whenever One giggles and is mischevious.

I've decided that's my new standard for TARDIS team effectiveness-- can you imagine them snuggled up with cocoa? No? Then something's wrong.

Yes! This is why I think I'm having a harder time with Doctors Five through Seven; after Nyssa leaves, it just feels like everyone doesn't like each other as much. And maybe that's intentional, maybe it isn't, and it doesn't mean they're not interesting, but ( ... )


Re: Long post is long! Going in order. kayliemalinza November 21 2008, 07:33:01 UTC
...look, I like hugs, okay? Hugs are great. I like hugs and I like grinning and I like gratuitous clinging and I like unnecessary bodily contact and I like banter and I like it when the Doctor and his companions seem like they're traveling because they want to, and because they enjoy each other's company. The later Five era just...doesn't feel like that to me.

I could have written that paragraph and no-one would have noticed the difference.

his and Ace's relationship is ~complicated~
There was a fandom secret a while back that said (iirc) that Ace/Doctor was the best example of a healthy dom/sub relationship the secret writer had ever seen, which makes me curious to watch it. Something about the Doctor taking her to deep, scary places, and her pushing back hard when he goes too far.

I AM TRYING TO IMAGINE HOW THIS WOULD WORK AND IT'S NOT WORKING. BRAIN GO BREAKY.Pouring or dribbling it over himself like hot wax. Licking it carefully from the crevasses of the mug. Pressing his fingers to the surface oh-so-lightly, and watching ( ... )


Re: Long post is long! Going in order. stunt_muppet November 21 2008, 10:02:00 UTC
There was a fandom secret a while back that said (iirc) that Ace/Doctor was the best example of a healthy dom/sub relationship the secret writer had ever seen, which makes me curious to watch it.

I remember that secret. I don't know enough about dom/sub as a lifestyle to pass informed comment on that, but...yeah, there are definitely times when (from what I've seen) he pushes her outside her boundaries for what ultimately turns out to be her own good. I think. That's what I think was happening in Ghost Light, anyway, but I'm not quite sure. It was probably a mistake to kick off my Seven run with that one. It's a confusing serial.

Pouring or dribbling it over himself like hot wax. Licking it carefully from the crevasses of the mug. Pressing his fingers to the surface oh-so-lightly, and watching the ripples spread. Savoring every rhythmic mouthful.

...okay, brain still broken, but for completely different reasons. Good completely different reasons. :D ( ... )


order_of_chaos November 21 2008, 04:29:01 UTC
I find myself curious as to what, precisely, Adric is doing at the circus. Not knife-throwing?

I like the way you think :D   Cuddles and hot chocolate are compulsory.
*lobs marshmallow*


kayliemalinza November 25 2008, 15:24:04 UTC
This is only tangentially related to your comment and my above post, but I haven't told anyone about this yet and I want to because it's awesome and I think you will appreciate it:

I have a storyline wherein Ianto has a genetic double (like Gwen's in Unquiet Dead) who was born in 11th century Wales, has the gift of precognition due to the Rift (rather than being empathic like Gwyneth) and is a busker for a traveling circus group. He juggles.


order_of_chaos November 26 2008, 03:35:13 UTC
Juggling Ianto-clone? That is awesome.

How like Ianto is he? Does he juggle with precision and subtle snark? Do insufficiently respectfully co-workers meet with the impact of juggling balls to the head (purely as part of his act to amused the crowd, of course)? Does he wear clown make-up and billowy trousers of Doom? Does Adric follow him around like a temporally-displaced puppy?

A tightrope-walking Tosh-clone would be too much of a co-incidence, wouldn't it?


kayliemalinza November 27 2008, 13:32:12 UTC
He does juggle with precision, and does nifty things like throwing one ball up really really high, doing a bunch of tricks with the other balls, and then catching the first ball as it comes down, almost forgotten. (The precognition helps with that.) I don't think he snarks quite so much-- he's been sort of trained to not say much at all-- but he does sing in order to keep the rhythm for his juggling ( ... )


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