TW fic: "Pinch Drunk" (Pre-S1, 2,135 words, Teamfic, mild Owen/Suzie)

Oct 08, 2008 22:53

Title: Pinch Drunk
Rating: PG-13 for sexual content, mild swearing
Word Count: 2,135
Warning: Algolagnia, n. - sexual pleasure derived from physical pain ( Read more... )

tw: owen/suzie, fic, tw: jack/everything ever, fic: pg-13, recc'd, tw fic series: alcohol annals, tw: pre s1, torchwood, tw: jack/suzie

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Comments 16

annemjw October 9 2008, 04:00:18 UTC
Oh that's just all kinds of amusing.

And scary Pandas! And Ianto being all competent in the background!

Thanks for this :)


kayliemalinza October 9 2008, 10:35:02 UTC
Hee, thanks and welcome. ^^


order_of_chaos October 9 2008, 08:43:29 UTC
Delurking to say: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Kayliefic. *grins*

The invisible masochism-inducing gas was awesome enough that I held only the most fleeting regret that Jack wasn't drunk on pyschic-vodka. I want it bottled. And in a spray-bottle like the one with the alien pheromones Owen had.
The masochistic pandas made me boggle. Owen's mental trauma delighted me.
Somewhere there is - I assume - a masochistic environmentalist group wandering about on the loose. This also delights me.
Tosh-Ianto being geek-twins = yay!
Evil Suzie is evil, and I love her so much.

Favourite bits:

"Shut up," Tosh shot back, and dug her stiletto more deeply into the quivering mound of not-panda flesh. (Awesome Tosh is awesome / *reaches for brain-bleach*)

Jack lets out a noise that could be briefly transcribed as "Ow!" but that wouldn't relate all the nuances of it, especially how it sounds half-way like a moan and how his cheeks go pink.

Think that's a good idea, Boss?" she asks, then twists the red flesh between her fingers ( ... )


kayliemalinza October 9 2008, 10:45:05 UTC
I NOTICED YOU HAD BEEN LURKING LATELY. I'm glad I could bring you out of hiding. ^_^ (P.S. gimme some prompts so I can write more for the Chaos Chronicles.)

Psychic-vodka? Hmm. There's the imaginary-dance-vodka, but I hadn't thought of psychic vodka yet. Tell me, is it vodka that makes you psychic upon imbibing, or is it vodka that can sense you want to drink it and thusly tries to escape?

But, yes. This gas in a spray-bottle would be fabulous. And now that they have the chemical formula for it, I'm sure it can be synthesized. ^^

Masochistic pandas with nostril fingers. Opposable ones, that can grab things.

Somewhere there is - I assume - a masochistic environmentalist group wandering about on the loose. This also delights me.I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF THAT! I think I assumed that it was all absorbed into the soil by the time they came along, but surely some is still hanging around. Surely digging up the soil released more of it. The really funny bit is going to be the one environmentalist who doesn't notice anything different ( ... )


rhia_starsong October 9 2008, 14:35:02 UTC
HurtMe!Jack is pretty indeed. Or maybe I'm just twisted? ...nah, that can't be it.

Nah, gotta be the pretty.

Ooh, and psychic vodka, could be it only affects you if you have psychic powers--so really only Jack would get a buzz from that one! Or the Doctor, but we weren't really talking about him...


rhia_starsong October 9 2008, 14:30:07 UTC
Oh, Owen. I love that you made this Owen's perspective! And that it took them soo long to figure out that Jack wasn't drunk, just...chemically altered. (Poor Tosh.) Aw, and Owen hasn't even got 'round to calling Ianto Tea Boy yet!

Adorable. And kinda hot. Sequel?


kayliemalinza October 9 2008, 14:43:25 UTC
I know, I really don't write Owen a lot. Or at all, actually. D'you think this was in character? I kinda felt like there was too much sex (Jack's territory) and not enough mean. Except-- Owen's really a puppy inside, isn't he? Because, of course, you can't have mean characters who are actually mean. Grrr.

Poor Tosh indeed. She just wants to get back to her tech and leave all these weird people behind.

Sequel? AHAHAHAHA. You know me, babe. I'm lucky just to finish a longish fic every once in a while.

I see your Sarah Jane icon and raise you a Sarah Jane/Four.


rhia_starsong October 9 2008, 16:07:58 UTC
Oh, but we know Owen is ever so sex, right from the first episode. He's just more sleazy about it than Jack, which you portray nicely here. Jack, for all his innuendo (Captain of the Innuendo Squad! thank you, Mickey), is really just a romantic sweetheart. And yes, Owen is totally a puppy inside; he hides behind being a twat, but he can be very sweet. (Remember 'Adam'?)

Yeah, I do know you. 'f I want a sequel, I'd better write it myself!

I see your Sarah Jane/Four icon, and totally fold like a cheap suit while squeeing raise you a Sarah/Harry/Four icon.


kayliemalinza October 10 2008, 02:23:53 UTC
I know Owen's squishy insides are canon, they just irk me a bit. Why can't we have characters who are genuinely mean, instead of just insecure? Why do mean people need reasons for being mean? "My mother doesn't love me!" "My leg hurts!" Argh. Frankly, I often had to be convinced to be nice. "I'm not really nice, I just think that'll help me get what I want!"

Hmm. I'm gonna have to bring out the big icon guns now.


(The comment has been removed)

kayliemalinza November 3 2008, 00:33:04 UTC
I think that's kind of a Torchwood trait? idk idk. I bet the air system's been dosing them all with low-level sex pollen for years.


diable_au_corps November 2 2008, 12:41:01 UTC
This is brilliant. And hilarious. I love to hate your Owen, Tosh is deliciously awkward, Suzie is all kind of intriguing and I want to make Jack's cheeks go pink.


kayliemalinza November 3 2008, 00:33:36 UTC
I love to hate your Owen, Tosh is deliciously awkward, Suzie is all kind of intriguing and I want to make Jack's cheeks go pink.
Awesome! That's about the best response I could hope for. ^_^ Thanks so much!


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