TW fic: PP!I Chapter 3; 1,040 words

Oct 01, 2008 00:47

Shorter chapter than normal, but I should have more coming up soon.

Follows on from:
Chapter One
Chapter Two

Title: PP!I Chapter Three
Word Count: 1,040
Rating: R for language
Summary: They drive back to the Hub. I swear to Jay-sus, the way I always do, that this is not as lame as the summary makes it sound.

Chapter Three )

tw: s1 or s2, tw: team, fic: r, fic: chaptered wip, fic, fic: draft, torchwood, tw wip: pp!i story

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Comments 13

flowright October 1 2008, 08:09:46 UTC
Yaaa new chapter !

I would quote everything but my favorite one has to be "Lord help us," muttered Gwen. "They're teaming up."

more plz ?

Edit : Sorry for my lack of ninja html skill XD


annemjw October 1 2008, 14:03:38 UTC
Yay, I love little Ianto. The creepy talking together thing is hilarious, too.

Owen would be a totally awesome uncle to Ianto, as long as no one was watching. Lots of highly inappropriate stories.


order_of_chaos October 2 2008, 09:50:07 UTC
Oooh, skience! I like!
You know, if skin-cells were a problem they'd probably be a problem in the Torchmobile, too. Which means the universe is tearing itself apart as we speak. *grins*

Still brilliant! Loved the bit with miniIanto and Owen and the fucking public fucking.

The kid scares me. I feel as if he's going to snap and bite someone's arm off, or something similarly destructive. I can hardly wait :P


kayliemalinza October 4 2008, 19:42:09 UTC
if skin-cells were a problem they'd probably be a problem in the Torchmobile, too
Ooh, yeah. Except I don't think Ianto's in the SUV nearly as much as the others, and it was possibly just cleaned? I'll have to put in a line about that.


bobthemole October 4 2008, 15:10:43 UTC
That's a brilliant characterization of a 10 yr old. I've read too many fics where anyone under the age of 16 is a wide-eyed angel. THANK YOU for writing a real kid, one that I wouldn't mind grounding for a week with no TV.


kayliemalinza October 4 2008, 19:46:39 UTC
I've read too many fics where anyone under the age of 16 is a wide-eyed angel.

I read one fic where there was a 6 yr-old was a powder monkey on a privateer ship, but never complained about anything nor had temper tantrums. He was really friendly and trusting, too. Um. No.


bobthemole October 4 2008, 20:38:53 UTC
So, will there be more of this? You can even make it Plot Optional! Just give us more of that deliciously snarky proto-Ianto.


kayliemalinza October 4 2008, 20:40:41 UTC
It's on the List of Fic I am Allowed to Work on, and it's pretty smooth to write, and I have a smattering of scenes planned out already. Cautiously, I say yes. ^^

"proto-Ianto"-- Hee!


tawabids October 19 2008, 08:36:20 UTC
This fic is my new benchmark for "Best distraction when there's an exam tomorrow". Why are there only three chapters? WHY, GOD, WHY?

Though just between you and me, Owen has been the most brilliant of all so far.


kayliemalinza October 19 2008, 15:07:07 UTC
Why are there only three chapters? WHY, GOD, WHY?
Um, well, obviously I knew that you had an exam the next day, and thusly sought to minimize your capacity for procrastination. I am not an enabler! :O

Or possibly I just haven't gotten around to the other chapters yet. ^^

Owen, I think, has been brilliantly not brilliant. Although, Jack and Gwen weren't the sharpest tools in the shed, either....

No, you're right. Owen is the most brilliant. Aside from proto-Ianto, of course. ^_^


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