DESERT ISLAND/BLANKET FIC! Rough draft, part one

Sep 23, 2008 04:05

I don't normally post rough drafts (mostly because I don't normally do rough drafts) but the blanket fic is coming along nicely, and it's soon approaching the point where I'll have to split it up to post it anyway. Also, so many hopeful people have friended me in the past week or so, and I want to keep you entertained. Mostly, I feel guilty that I' ( Read more... )

tw: s1 or s2, fic: r, fic: chaptered wip, fic, tw wip: toshanto blanket fic, chaos has a tag, tw: jack/ianto, fic: draft, tw: jack/tosh/ianto

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Comments 14

annemjw September 23 2008, 08:48:26 UTC
Yay for science! I always like hearing the technical details of these adventures, specially when it's Tosh, who really does know and care about this stuff.

(I am one of the hopeful new friends, nice to meet you! I've been really enjoying all your fic.)


kayliemalinza September 23 2008, 11:50:43 UTC
omg, the SCIENCE. I've been on Wikipedia pretty much constantly the past few days. The greenish sun and sky is pure artistic license-- I can claim that the oblique angle of the sunrays at the pole accounts for it (Earth's sun has a green edge or flash when it sets in certain places for that reason), as well as the possibility that there is some magical gas in the escaping atmosphere which scatters green light rays more than it scatters blue--but mostly I wrote in the green-tinged sun before I did most of the research and didn't have the heart to change it. The rest of the stuff, however, (both here and in upcoming parts) is based on specific, extant phenomena that I can point to. Which isn't to say that I haven't grossly misinterpreted something or made some wild extrapolation, but at least I tried.

It sounds dreary, but really the research was so much fun. Planets! SPACE. All very cool, in my opinion. :P

(Hello! Thanks! :D)


order_of_chaos September 23 2008, 09:55:03 UTC
Tosh's pulse leaps. Her lips curl up despite herself and she almost laughs, looking shifty-eyed to either side. She leans in and whispers, "Me, too." Oh, yay! Yay yay yay! Love that last bit!

Other random reactions include:

You have managed to make chicken disturbing. I salute your powers of descriptiveness. (No countrycide flashbacks from meat-smell?)

But I don't enjoy reality TV, particularly. Am I thus disqualified from the human race?

Jack is stroking the edge of the control panel of his wriststrap, apparently best friends with it again. Jack has a skewed perception of reality. Assuming, of course, that his wriststrap isn't actually sentient.

Tosh uses her finger to follow the edge of a tectonic plate (she guesses that's what it is) and suddenly the wire-frame ball flushes into a finely gradiated elevation map. *grins* It liiiiiiiiiiiikes her.

Am amused by the beet-smell.

"Hard data?" she says, in the same longing way that she might also, at this point, say, "cheese toastie?"*looks up hopefully* Cheese toastie ( ... )


kayliemalinza September 23 2008, 11:38:20 UTC
oh my god you're ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!! ::lightning flashes dramatically:: Hi, missed you. ^_^

You have managed to make chicken disturbing. Muahaha. Ahaha. Aaaaahahaha! Although, raw chicken, I think, is disturbing without needing me to describe it.

Contrycide flashbacks would be awful! I'm gonna say no because i wuv my tosh-tosh and ianty-poo and would never be so mean to them the smell from Countrycide was more like pork, with an overpowering stench of blood.

I think Ianto was implying rather that people who do enjoy reality TV are disqualified from the human race, but we will also let the record state that he was being Snitty and Judgemental.

You know, Jack/Wriststrap is probably the longest-lasting and healthiest relationship Jack has ever been in. ^^ Assuming it doesn't cheat on him with Tosh (although I doubt Jack would really mind-- if there's one person he'd let seduce his wriststrap, it's the Doctor Tosh. am not planning that for Part Two. nuh uh. you can't prove nuttin.)

Tentacle-monster!Ianto FTW!I realized ( ... )


order_of_chaos September 23 2008, 12:38:44 UTC
I am? I am! *dons umbrella-hat*
I missed you, too. It was tragic. And yet, 'tis good to be missed. *glomps*

I am now disturbed by all chicken.

I am glad, then, that the planet does not smell of pork. Truly thou art a goddess of rationalisation :D

Ah, that's all right, then. Although I shall have to find some other means of disqualification.
...he was being Snitty and Judgemental. We like Ianto when he's being Snitty and Judgemental. It's part of his charm :P

The Doctor. Tosh. The Doctor and Tosh. Jack standing, wrist held out, grinning as the Doctor and Tosh make geekly noises of intriguement. Wriststrap wantonly co-operating with their every instruction.

and his name is only one syllable which threw the rhythm off
Your reasoning; I like it!
Attempted strangulation is a good way to express anxiety.
And it occurs to me that if Ianto successfully sleep-strangled Jack, it's possible no-one would notice.

Jack's biggest problem, in my opinion, is that he falls in love the way other people fall into ditches. ( ... )


kayliemalinza September 23 2008, 21:48:01 UTC

Truly thou art a goddess of rationalisation
"But I wuv my Tosh-Tosh and Ianty-Poo!" is a pretty rationalisation for anything, I've discovered. Except, you know, not at all. >> yes officer, i did smack that old lady with a sack of beans, but it was for a really good reason. you see....

Jack standing, wrist held out, grinning as the Doctor and Tosh make geekly noises of intriguement. Wriststrap wantonly co-operating with their every instruction.
Jack's imagination turns it into something like this:
"Do a scan for sentient lifeforms, baby, oh yeah. You like that, don't you, baby? You like those sentient lifeforms."
"Ooooh it's calculating an escape vector! All over my body!"

Attempted strangulation is a good way to express anxiety.
You wanna be a zombie so bad, don't you dear? I'm sorry. ::petpet::

You're right, it is his saving grace. It's why I love him so much, and part of why I get so irritated with Ten (and a little bit with Nine, but he was only suspicious and mean at the beginning, and later was ( ... )


circury March 14 2009, 21:00:22 UTC
I love that you turned octopus into a verb. Your imagery is -- I have no words.


kayliemalinza March 15 2009, 17:51:42 UTC
Thank you so much. ^_^ I'm still working on this story-- just very slowly-- so it's nice to hear that people still like it after all this time.


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