This post is about skooshing Billy Corgan. No, seriously. That's it. Also, talking knees. ^^

Feb 02, 2008 02:18

We talked about lots more, but skooshing was a recurring theme. All skooshing-related comments have been consolidated ( for your reading pleasure. )

west wing, mcr, skoosh skoosh, i'm so on crack, comment-fic, smashing pumpkins

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Comments 24

captain_bookcat February 2 2008, 08:48:08 UTC
bwaha, Gerard being the gay teenage son of BC is SO TRUE, OMG. they even look like each other! XD


kayliemalinza February 2 2008, 22:15:04 UTC
On a slightly related note, am I the only one who thinks it's ok that MCR admits and illustrates that they've been strongly influenced by older bands and musicians? I mean jeebus, if people didn't copy each other sometimes, we wouldn't have artistic movements. It's completely natural. It's how progress happens. Maybe MCR could hide their tracks a little better, idk. But it's not like they're lying about it, y'know? You can argue that I bought Mellon Collie because I bought Black Parade four months ago and that is bad for Smashing Pumpkins how...? Not to mention that musical genealogy is fascinating. And I can like more than one band. It happens, people. This isn't a war. Stop hating, ok?

ok end of rant. *^^* Obviously I've been reading too many youtube comments.


captain_bookcat February 2 2008, 23:34:13 UTC
I agree, people on youtube and such are reeeaally annoying like that. XP and like you, I see nothing wrong with people being influenced by things.

on a related note to your related note, am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious that MCR openly admits that Black Parade was majorly influenced by Sgt Pepper? XD because it is so true, in many ways


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 02:20:17 UTC
Yes, and this is why thinking beings must avoid reading the comments on youtube at all costs: otherwise, our heads will asplode from the ignorance displayed therein. And yes, it is good to be influenced by things; it's how we function. I say, I like cheese, so I think I will like a sandwich with cheese on it. And we grow, whether we end up liking that cheesy sandwich or not.


jcgenzie_and_co February 2 2008, 19:07:55 UTC
I'm not quite sure what to make of the movie, it's very... angsty. Though I do like the music I don't understand what he's doing. The pants do make him scooshable. I also think their frames- rather sparse and emaciated nearly add to that.



kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 18:58:12 UTC
Well, music videos are typically non-narrative, which can be confusing if you're used to Hollywood films. If it helps, the director, Sam Bayer, was asked to direct the video for Welcome to the Black Parade because MCR liked this video so much. ^^


mizuki_cass February 2 2008, 22:02:01 UTC
We are obviously really really cool

but now i feel bad because i didn't contribute much :c


kayliemalinza February 2 2008, 22:07:16 UTC
Ironically, in looking over the log, I think you contributed a lot more on the sane stuff. And you got a little distracted at the end by something awesome and productive while I was still being all blathery and fangirlish. And I was typing really fast. And let's not forget, the Fronomes were all your idea. OH CRAP A BUNCH OF STUFF JUST FELL OFF MY DESK. Admittedly that is not related.


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 02:15:26 UTC
Yes, and the best part was totally you cracking up at this:
Kaylie: I love his silver pants! They're so perfect. Not painted on.
Stephanie: Yeah, they're totally like, Hi, I'm just sittin' here, keepin' your legs from being nekkid.

And the KNEES!!! Definitely skooshable. ::nods::


kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 02:20:14 UTC
This conversation happening in OMGS RL, of course. ::nodnod::

Do you think that clothes have work ethic and professional pride? Like, ratty t-shirts are like, "aaaaah waddya want? ain't no nipples showin' or nuttin'." And like, silver pants are all like, "I MADE YOU, RANDOM EUROPEAN POP STAR!! YOU WOULD BE NOTHING WITHOUT MEEEEEE!" And business suits are like, "I feel so empty." :(


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 02:24:18 UTC
ooh, yeah. unless it is a business suit being worn by Toby Ziegler or Sam Seaborn.


kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 02:26:53 UTC
Yeah, those suits are like, "That woman seems as if she's looking right through me."


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