This post is about skooshing Billy Corgan. No, seriously. That's it. Also, talking knees. ^^

Feb 02, 2008 02:18

We talked about lots more, but skooshing was a recurring theme. All skooshing-related comments have been consolidated ( for your reading pleasure. )

west wing, mcr, skoosh skoosh, i'm so on crack, comment-fic, smashing pumpkins

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rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 02:15:26 UTC
Yes, and the best part was totally you cracking up at this:
Kaylie: I love his silver pants! They're so perfect. Not painted on.
Stephanie: Yeah, they're totally like, Hi, I'm just sittin' here, keepin' your legs from being nekkid.

And the KNEES!!! Definitely skooshable. ::nods::


kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 02:20:14 UTC
This conversation happening in OMGS RL, of course. ::nodnod::

Do you think that clothes have work ethic and professional pride? Like, ratty t-shirts are like, "aaaaah waddya want? ain't no nipples showin' or nuttin'." And like, silver pants are all like, "I MADE YOU, RANDOM EUROPEAN POP STAR!! YOU WOULD BE NOTHING WITHOUT MEEEEEE!" And business suits are like, "I feel so empty." :(


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 02:24:18 UTC
ooh, yeah. unless it is a business suit being worn by Toby Ziegler or Sam Seaborn.


kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 02:26:53 UTC
Yeah, those suits are like, "That woman seems as if she's looking right through me."


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 02:41:02 UTC
"H-hey, why is she drooling over there?! Oh, dear, I was never meant for fingernails!" *rrrip*


kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 02:46:23 UTC
Meanwhile, the SS has been alerted and rushed in to rectify the situation. Toby is shaken but safe. The women is in federal custody. "BUT I HAAAAD TO DO IT!" she screams. "THE BUTTONS TOLD ME TO!" The suit glances at its buttons: they wink mischievously in the fluorescents, their tiny round mouths grinning.


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 02:57:02 UTC
And the suit thinks it is safe for the time being, and it can go back to being filled with Toby-ness, until, from the next office, comes the horrifying *thud* which signifies a klutzy collision and Sam being in the same place and time, and there is Sam, with his tie caught in his desk drawer, and an intern yelling incoherently about stripes and wool.


kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 03:08:43 UTC
The pain was on the tender side of unbearable, not the delicious twist and stretch of being knotted in the morning but not the sharp apocalypse of being cut or fraying, a single thread being pulled or shurred. The tie had heard stories of such tragedies, had seen the ugly consequences of them. This pinching he felt now-- it was almost sultry, like the compression of a tie clip, but the desk-drawer edge was cutting in too deeply, the tie was sure it was creased now, but then Sam was freeing it, smoothing it, rubbing his thumb deep into the wound.


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 03:11:39 UTC
And the silk strands breathed in and revelled in the bruising glory of sharp pain already fading yet every stroke of Sam's callused thumb imprinting a reminder on the tie's surface.


kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 03:15:42 UTC
The silky inner coat pocket whispered, "Slut. Shameless strutting striped slut." The tie ignored the hateful words as best it could, dreaming of the suit it'd seen on the other man today; it seemed so sensible and calm. Oh, how the tie yearned to be worn with that other suit, to be snuggled against that bearded chin-- and yet the tie could not imagine a future without the tender touch of its Sam.


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 03:19:54 UTC
::fangirls the tie::


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 03:21:02 UTC
Oh, look at us, all OT here. We totally have no standards on LJ. lolz!!1!!


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 03:45:00 UTC
And just then, the tie felt its fibres electrified with the gentle brush of dark beard, while remaining comfortably snug against Sam's smooth neck. It was the briefest contact, almost as though the tie had willed it into being, but the scent of Toby's Ivory soap remained overlayed on Sam's cologne.


kayliemalinza February 4 2008, 06:05:30 UTC
"Toby...?" asked Sam, his voice rising querulously. "Why are you sniffing my tie?"


rhia_starsong February 4 2008, 13:21:59 UTC
"Sam," Toby replied with aplomb, "one never can tell about the intentions of red ties."

"...Toby?! are you drunk?" squeaked Sam.


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