Well, still no electricity. The transformer from the picture in the previous post is still laying where it fell and so are the power lines in the back of my apartment. And I live on a main street
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I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The power company website had a list of locations they were targeting today and while they didn't say my street/building specifically they named the cross streets on each side of me... One would think they would do what's in the middle too.
*keeping fingers crossed*
Of course, even if I get power back, I don't even want to think how long it will be until I get comcast back. I'm hoping that with so much damage, they'll have to redo the line that was always giving my problems...
I feel you lack of power pain - last year when we had ice sotrms we were without power for almost a week - we ended up at friends house becasue it was too cold to stay home.
I hope you find better place to sleep than the office! Keep warm
I know how frustrating that can be. *cuddles & pets* I'm glad you are warm, safe, and have a job and a home to return to. All those positive thoughts being sent your way must be working.
Comments 7
*keeping fingers crossed*
Of course, even if I get power back, I don't even want to think how long it will be until I get comcast back. I'm hoping that with so much damage, they'll have to redo the line that was always giving my problems...
I hope you find better place to sleep than the office! Keep warm
*cuddles & pets*
I'm glad you are warm, safe, and have a job and a home to return to. All those positive thoughts being sent your way must be working.
Things are progressing around here.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for power in the next day or two...
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