Title: The Truth Is...
kaylashayRating: FR13
Disclaimer: I'm not USA, MGM or whoever else owns the shows, so I don't claim to own them.
Pairings: None
Fandoms: White Collar; Stargate SG1
Genre: Gen
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5,046
azraelz-angelWritten For:
wc-reverse-bb based upon the awesome Mozzie artwork by
leesa-perrie Summary: When Mozzie heard the name, he knew he had to
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Comments 27
Mozzie is a hard guy to write, so I'm glad he came across as himself. And Mozzie does make a nice (bald, short and chubby) knight in shining armor. If Neal (and Peter) only knew the truth!
And my head cannon always has Mozzie and El as friends. I think she like conspiracy theories too.
I'm also glad you gave it a read without knowing the show. Luckily, I didn't really go into great depth on the Stargate end of things. The big thing is that Martin Lloyd who is the creator of Wormhole X-Treme! was played by Willie "Mozzie" Garson. And Martin Lloyd was actually an alien living on Earth. There is so much to play with on that angle. Especially since Martin was a heavily paranoid guy, just like Mozzie. :)
Loved it, LOL. Your Moz is spot on and I couldn't help grinning at the mention of Wormhole X-Treme and Martin Lloyd, heee :D
So many wonderful things about Moz shine through in this fic - his epic paranoia which I love, his friendship with El, his fierce desire to protect Neal and also Peter, even though he would never openly admit to that :D
Also, it's so great to have Daniel and Jack back in action :D
Awesomeness all around :D \o/
It's so easy to connect Mozzie and Martin Lloyd, especially considering how Martin was leading up to him learning the truth about himself.
Glad you liked! Now to get cracking on finishing the fic for your artwork!! *slaps self for procrastination*
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