I'm going to use July as a way to get prompts for my
hc_bingo card. Please read below before giving me a prompt.
Round Up Post for Unanswered Prompts for 2013 Acceptance of New Prompts is Now CLOSED for July
The Rules of the Month
Tell me a story I haven’t written, and I will give you at least 1-3 sentences from or about it. However, it will likely be
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Fandom: White Collar, Supernatural (*hopeful look*)
Character(s): Neal, Crossroads Demon
Pretty please?! I memory of our Team:Hell days!
*continues to look hopeful*
Author: kaylashay
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: I'm not USA / Jeff Eastin / etc. or CW / Kripke, so I don't claim to own them.
Genre: Gen
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2,243
Beta: azraelz_angel
Written For: hc_bingo and avamclean's July 2013 Prompt
HC Bingo Square: making deals with demons
Summary: Danny Brooks struck a deal and found a new life in Neal Caffrey, but all good things must come to an end.
Click for the fic...
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