I've passed the 35k mark for written words this year which is awesome. I have one prompt from February in progress and have several left from March since I spent more time on the Lucky 13. But I'm still going to take new prompts for April.
Acceptance of New Prompts is Now CLOSED for April
The Rules of the MonthTell me a story I haven’t written,
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Any chance I could ask for Author's choice as long as there's some woobie Tony and protective Gibbs? I'm really craving a warm, fuzzy G/D (preferably with Tony whump at least implied). *chin wibbles* Or is that too general?
I'm glad you had a happy birthday! <3
Author: kaylashay
Rating: FR18
Disclaimer: I'm not Bellesario or CBS, so I don't claim to own them.
Genre: Slash
Pairings: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,170
Beta: All mistakes are mine and mine alone...
Written For: hinky_hippo's April 2013 Prompt (it ended up not being 100% warm and fuzzy, but hope you like none the less)
HC Bingo Square: Exhaustion
Summary: Four months undercover has taken its toll. But no matter how tired he is, sleep is hard to find.
Click for the fic...
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