
Jan 18, 2010 13:45

1. How versatile a word is stuff? It's almost as good as fuck.

2. I watched the first two episodes of Legend of the Seeker over the weekend. If they had been a book I would have thrown them across the room. I understand the show actually is based on a book series, a book series I have never read. I think I'll keep it that way. I'll watch a couple ( Read more... )

glee, writing, tv, cat, legend of the seeker

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Comments 4

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kay_brooke January 18 2010, 21:34:41 UTC
Ooh, yay! It's a long challenge: the rough draft isn't due on the comm until July 1st, and the final version is due October 20th. Since I've only written the first two chapters (and they're a mess), I need to outline a little, and then I can give you a better idea of when I'll be finished with the first draft. But it will definitely be after February. :)


nidoking January 18 2010, 21:30:54 UTC
Last I heard, Legend of the Seeker was going to be a movie based on the "The Dark is Rising" series... I don't know how much of that has changed.


meridianrising January 18 2010, 21:48:53 UTC
Yeah, Legend isn't for everyone. I've had friends give up on it and some stick with it and glad they did. To each their own I say.

Chase comes back sometimes, but isn't a big character so don't get too hooked on him ha.

I'm a sucker for these type of shows though so I'm hooked.

I don't get the Glee hype. I'll watch it eventually but was surprised to see it win.


kay_brooke January 19 2010, 02:08:44 UTC
I'm going to watch a couple more episodes and see if it gets any better. I know some shows take awhile to get going.

Glee is like candy. It's colorful and sweet and good for a treat, but you don't ever want it for a full meal, if you see what I'm saying. I thought awards like that were supposed to go to shows with more...substance. Surely there are more deserving comedies out there? Then again I don't know what their competition was. I didn't watch the Golden Globes, just followed award announcements on Twitter.


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