
Sep 27, 2007 00:04

I swear, if I get called "ma'am" one more friggin' time someone's going to get punched in the face. New girl at Subway today would not stop calling me that. By the third time I actually almost asked her to please stop calling me "ma'am." I am 25 years old. I dress like a college student. I tend to look younger than I am. New girl at Subway looked ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

jediknightmuse September 27 2007, 04:22:01 UTC
People've done that to me too, more so in the last few months than any other time, and it annoys me. I'm not a ma'am, people have thought I'm as young as eighteen (the cable guy didn't even think I was over eighteen), and I don't want to be called ma'am for a very long time.

I can remember being in Staples and the cashier thinking I was in college when I was in high school. Now I wish people would actually think I'm in college instead of thinking I'm in high school and call me "miss."


johnraptor September 27 2007, 04:22:54 UTC
I've been called ma'am too, and I'm a dude.


iced_strawberri September 27 2007, 04:47:09 UTC
That really bugs me too. Buttt the funny thing is the few times I've been called ma'am it's by someone much older then me. I'm 23 and the woman must have been at least 50.

I don't get it either.


parathalyn September 29 2007, 17:06:06 UTC
I get offended by being called ma'am too. It's just ingrained in me that one only calls a much older person "sir" or "ma'am". Someone would need to be my grandparents age before I'd be comfortable calling them that. So, it just weirds me out when someonly about my age or older calls me ma'am.


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