As promised:
Title: Heartstrings (That Play Soft and Low)
kawaii_tenshi27Summary: “We need to talk,” Tom announces, and Harry jerks around to look at him, sees Danny do the same thing out of the corner of his eye. Tom does not look happy. “And by ‘we,’” he continues, assured he has their attention, “I mean ‘you two,’” and he frowns pointedly at Harry
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Comments 10
Seriously, my heart is all fluttery and warm & I've got a stupidly ridiculous grin stuck to my face! Those two & all their utterly complicated feelings & their abilities to always makes things, well, more complicated than needed, oh dear.
Dude, so much love for you for writing this, did I mention?!
And then Danny’s grinning like the sun’s just come out and Harry doesn’t care anymore.
I'm happy you liked it, though. ♥
(I actually really kind of like that line. Does that make me conceited, or something? I don't actually remember writing most of this fic, so maybe not.)
that was cute.
i'm all smiley now :)
how slow were they.. they fought for no reason..
Thank you!
xX Xx
I feel like fighting-leading-to-blurting-things-out is sort of a trope. I'm not sure if I mind or not. It's worked well for me thus far, though. Glad you liked it. ♥
I guess they were both really.. emotional to see things objectively. But YAY! they fixed things up, and now we have an amazing happy ending, and I love this more than anything! and of course the sex was hot =P
Danny just really seems to bring out Harry’s inner fifteen-year-old girl. That's just the cutest thing ever!
Glad you enjoyed it!
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