All the Broken Pieces

Dec 30, 2010 18:32

Title: Humpty Dumpty
Topic: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Genre: Angst
Rating: T
Pairing: none
Characters: Jack Harkness, The Doctor (9 and 10)
Prompt: Book Title ("All the Broken Pieces" by Anne Burg)
Authors Note: I went a little over 100 words for this bad. I wrote this with the idea of Humpty Dumpty in my head. Started as the first verse, but, ( Read more... )

jack harkness, torchwood, 10th doctor, doctor who, 9th doctor, drabble

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Comments 5

rustydog December 31 2010, 03:38:53 UTC
Torchwood nursery rhyme! \o/

I like the contrast between the fix in the first verse and the last.


kausingkayn December 31 2010, 03:45:31 UTC
thanks! Yeah, I wasn't sure whether or not to do that. Glad I made the right choice ^_^


poor Jack peaceisnotfound January 1 2011, 04:19:11 UTC
You mean writer. :) Poor Jack. You do love torturing him, don't you? I really think while the poem is a story of Jack's life, it reflects on the Doctor as well. The Doctor left Jack, and then, in the end, he couldn't fix him. I like that aspect of the poem. I also like the very short, blunt lines. The to-the-point approach makes the poem, in my opinion, more potent.


Re: poor Jack kausingkayn January 1 2011, 05:12:26 UTC
lol, I am mean, aren't I. Bad Kayn.
Thanks so much!


hab318princess February 13 2011, 13:29:10 UTC
eep... loved it though


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