Title: Humpty Dumpty
Topic: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Genre: Angst
Rating: T
Pairing: none
Characters: Jack Harkness, The Doctor (9 and 10)
Prompt: Book Title ("All the Broken Pieces" by Anne Burg)
Authors Note: I went a little over 100 words for this challenge....my bad. I wrote this with the idea of Humpty Dumpty in my head. Started as the first verse, but, being me, I couldn't stop there - that would have made this a happy fic! -gasp-
Jack Harkness was a con man.
He went around, ruining peoples lives.
Jack Harkness met the Doctor,
And the Doctor fixed him.
Jack Harkness traveled in the TARDIS.
He sacrificed himself to save those he loved.
Jack Harkness died for the Doctor,
And the Doctor left him.
Jack Harkness escaped to Earth.
He sat around, waiting.
Jack Harkness waited for the Doctor,
And the Doctor never came.
Jack Harkness was tired of waiting.
He built a team and named it Torchwood.
Jack Harkness still waited for the Doctor,
And the Doctor finally came.
Jack Harkness left his team.
He was broken and needed to be fixed.
Jack Harkness asked for help from the Doctor,
And the Doctor couldn’t fix him.