Picspam - Why "Leverage" Kicks Ass

Jun 08, 2010 17:00

Another challenge from caperland , this time having us make picspams to explain exactly why we love our show. Seeing that most of the reason I watch is has to do with strange fetishes, a love for a particular long-haired man, and, well, EVERYTHING, I thought this would be easy. ^_^


leverage, caperland

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Comments 7

alikat7 June 8 2010, 22:03:49 UTC
This is awesome-sauce.


shanachie_quill June 9 2010, 01:18:33 UTC
Ok...if for nothing have made me happy with the pretties.

I'm gonna snag these and make you something with them ;-)


kausingkayn June 9 2010, 01:21:30 UTC
Thanks ^_^


shanachie_quill June 9 2010, 01:26:12 UTC
Welcome :-) Not sure when or what...but yeah...just snagged them maybe during the day.

Since the wallie I was working on is frustrating the hell outta me.


serenelystrange June 9 2010, 01:29:04 UTC
Haha, this is great, :D


ontinia June 9 2010, 03:32:36 UTC
This is

Awesome guest stars. What other show has the ability to stand up and say: "We had Mark Shepard on our show!" Ok, bad example - but I'm sure that none of the hundreds of shows he's been on have been able to get him to sit in a trunk. ^_^
I love him. And HellzYeah.

Still on the topic of guest stars, I don't think there has ever been a show that has had a "Taggart and McSweeten" and there never should be. These two are amazing on and off camera, and are the only guest stars I want to see with their own spin-off. Watch out, Torchwood. ^_^
I do love these two.

The perfect bromance. Eliot and Hardison are the most hilarious team on screen (and off), and while I don't ship this pairing, I'm always excited when it's a scene with just the two of them, because I know that some quirky remarks will be swapped, and possible threatening of important body parts will ensue.
I do love watching scenes with these two, it is great.

Along with another hairgasm, we get to see Christian Kane in LEATHER PANTS and guyliner. Did I ( ... )


pecos June 9 2010, 05:25:09 UTC
Made of WIN!


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