Picspam - Why "Leverage" Kicks Ass

Jun 08, 2010 17:00

Another challenge from caperland , this time having us make picspams to explain exactly why we love our show. Seeing that most of the reason I watch is has to do with strange fetishes, a love for a particular long-haired man, and, well, EVERYTHING, I thought this would be easy. ^_^

The first and most important reason I watch "Leverage" - The Team. They work together amazingly on and off the screen, and, face it, are funny and nice to look at. Plus, they make conning people an enjoyable past time! You've got Academy award winner Timothy Hutton, ex-vampire hunter Christian Kane, British actress Gina Bellman, Beth Riesgraf, and Aldis Hodge. Put them together, and you have the perfect leverage for a five star television show.

Flashbacks. What other show sports flashbacks that give you little pieces of a character's history while adding that little extra bit of humour? "House" doesn't do that, I guarantee it.

Alter Egos that aren't mental problems, hallucinations, reincarnations, or yourself dressed up in spandex. And oh, did I forget to point out Whil Wheaton, sitting there in the right corner, looking all awesome and stuff?

Awesome guest stars. What other show has the ability to stand up and say: "We had Mark Shepard on our show!" Ok, bad example - but I'm sure that none of the hundreds of shows he's been on have been able to get him to sit in a trunk. ^_^

Another amazing choice for a continuos guest star - Nate's wife Maggie. 

And of course, you can't list the guest stars without mentioning the wonderful "Tara," who stepped in for the team while Sophie was searching for her identity (or while Gina was delivering her child. Your choice)

Still on the topic of guest stars, I don't think there has ever been a show that has had a "Taggart and McSweeten" and there never should be. These two are amazing on and off camera, and are the only guest stars I want to see with their own spin-off. Watch out, Torchwood. ^_^

This leads me to some of my favorite alter-egos of the show - the FBI team of Hardison and Parker. These two are always on the job, and always play opposite of each other. They are an unconventional team (don't mention the book....or propellers) but make me laugh, and I always do my little fangirl squeal when they sport their badges.

The ability of the wardrobe designer to match the whole crew's outfits without them nor I realizing it until I accidentally took this screenshot by mistake. ^_^ It happens in several other episodes as well, including the "12-Step Job" in which they all are wearing the same shade of blue. 

Look! My favorite television show doesn't need photoshop or fan fiction for one of the most sought after pairings to come true! Thank you Rogers.

The perfect bromance. Eliot and Hardison are the most hilarious team on screen (and off), and while I don't ship this pairing, I'm always excited when it's a scene with just the two of them, because I know that some quirky remarks will be swapped, and possible threatening of important body parts will ensue.

Your show doesn't have a hot man tied to the roof of an elevator. :-P

Not only does "Leverage" have good dialogue and characters and plot, it also has a lot of ass-kicking, courtesy of Eliot Spencer.

Psssst, check it out. My hacker can balance a tennis ball on his head while advising the dangerous yet charming hitter on the screen that his ego is covering his button cam. That takes talent.

One word: Bowtie

Lot's of technology incorporated into the show, and (almost) all of it is (somewhat) realistic! -whispers- orange soda

Two more words: Gummy. Frogs.

We have hot chicks hanging off of ridiculously large vault doors with suction cups. Your turn.

"Leverage" has insanely deep moments where the two main co-stars take a moment out of their lives and delve into the minds of their co-workers in order to find out how they would solve a particular life-threatening situation. That - and we get to watch Gina Bellman fly off the side of a building.

Can't forget to include Parker, and her elevator shaft jump. How many shows have women who bungee jump cause they haven't done it lately?

WARNING: the following photo may cause you to have several hairgasms and or cause fainting due to the awesomeness of the hair. Take that Glee.

Along with another hairgasm, we get to see Christian Kane in LEATHER PANTS and guyliner. Did I mention LEATHER PANTS?

While on the topic of Eliot Spencer/Christian Kane, do you see that hat? He must have borrowed it from Apollo for this scene. Gawd, if that hat on that head alone doesn't get you tuned in for this show, I don't know what will.

Check it - we can have crazy people people with fluffy hair and cool psycho-walls full of conspiracy theories. And our show isn't even about law enforcement or doctors.

Last, but by no means least (ok, maybe a little bit)...does your show have a box of  mystery? I didn't think so.

leverage, caperland

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