Somewhere Out There

Dec 31, 2010 18:13

Title: Somewhere Out There
Prompt: Looking at the Stars
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 736
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: It’s not mine. It belongs either to JKR or the writer of the song Somewhere Out There. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

A/N: Written for Schmoop_Bingo

Somewhere out there, Beneath the pale blue night,
Someone's thinking of me, And loving me tonight.

Class had ended and Ginny had finished her Astronomy homework but she wasn't ready to leave the Astronomy Tower just yet. She had gotten used to watching the stars and trying to figure out where Harry was with Ron and Hermione.

She had tried to send owls, but the school owls just sat on their perches when she tried to attach letters for Harry to their legs. It was probably for the best, since the post was probably being read by the Carrows and Snape.

Ginny rubbed the back of her hand where the words blood traitor were etched there. Neville's scars read magic is might; Seamus' read muggle lover. After the first few days in the newly revamped Muggle Studies no one dared defend Muggles or object to the term Mudblood, at least not out loud where Alecto Carrow could hear, as the whole class was punished.

Ginny's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps on the stairs. She looked around for a place to hide, expecting to see one of the Carrows or a member of the Inquisitorial Squad. The last time she had been caught out past curfew, Goyle and Crabbe had spent two hours practicing the Cruciatus Curse.

Somewhere out there, Someone's saying a prayer,
That we'll find one another, In that big somewhere out there.

Harry huddled in the doorway of the tent, watching the stars twinkle above. He had heard that it was Thursday while walking through a small village earlier that day. If Hogwarts had kept the same schedule now was the night that the sixth years had Astronomy. Ginny could be staring at the same stars he was watching right now.

He looked over his shoulder into the tent. Hermione was still reading The Tales of Beedle the Bard, looking for any clue the Dumbledore may have left in the book. Ron was fiddling with the wireless, trying to tune into Potterwatch. He wished they would go to sleep so he could find Ginny on the Marauder's Map.

He zipped the tent shut. "Harry! What's wrong?"


"Why are you closing the tent?"

"The light from your candle. "Don't want to let anyone see in."

Harry pulled the map out of his pocket and checked the girls' dorms in Gryffindor before focusing on the Astronomy Tower.

He smiled when he saw her there before he realized she was alone. "Get back to Gryffindor before Snape finds you out," he whispered to her dot. He drew in his breath as he saw another dot approaching the Tower.

And even though I know how very far apart we are,
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star,
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby,
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.

"Weasley, you're out of Gryffindor and it's past curfew. I assume you have a reason."

Ginny looked around frantically, wishing she hadn't been found. "Professor, I had class and decided to finish my assignment for next week. I…I lost track of time. It won't happen again."

A second figure opened the door to the Astronomy Tower and Amycus Carrow stood in the doorway, an evil grin spread across his vile mouth. "What have we here? A student out of bed? You will be serving detention with me. Every night, for the next two weeks, I think." He was standing inches away from her, his foul breath in her face.

Professor McGonagall stepped between the two of them. "Excuse me, Professor, but Miss Weasley was in the presence of another Professor and she won't be serving detention."

Carrow took a step back and didn't remove his eyes from the young student. "For now. But soon, she will be punished. Her kind will always get into trouble." He leered evilly.

McGonagall walked back to Gryffindor with Ginny. "He's out there. Sometimes I feel like we're watching the same stars. I just feel closer to him at night."

McGonagall smiled at the young student. "I hope he comes back to you safely. To all of us."

Ginny impulsively hugged the normally stern teacher before racing into the common room.

Somewhere out there, if love can see us through,
Then, we'll be together, somewhere out there, out where dreams, come true.

one-shot, harry/ginny, schmoop_bingo, fanfic

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