OTP meme, round 2

Jan 24, 2009 10:16

Okay, so after Round 1 of the OTP meme, the following two taglines are still left standing:

Their love is small, cuddly and kind of incestuous. Merry/Pippin of Lord of the Rings, guessed by bats_eye

He'll stay for dinner. Forever is optional. Shang/Mulan of Mulan, guessed by go_back_chief and settiai who thereby finish Round 1!

I have to admit, I wouldn't have expected those two to be the last ones guessed. If anyone still wants to give them a try, go ahead! I won't reveal them until I close Round 2.

And yes, Round 2 will be the last one. I may enjoy making my readers guess, but there's a limit to how many pairings I can come up with! Less of my personal fanon this time, but a couple of pretty obscure pairings, including a crossover.

Pick up to 15 otp's. Describe them in 15 words or less. Others must guess the otp!

1. Their romance might be more unhealthy - if she were his real mother. Jim Profit/Bobbi Stakowski of Profit, guessed by oneiriad

2. Love until the end of time and back again. Immortality has its perks. Jack/Doctor of Doctor Who, guessed by pandarus

3. He faked his death. She almost married someone else. Thank God for that phone call.

4. Even frog-eating clones can't keep them apart for long. Lois Lane/Clark Kent of Lois & Clark, guessed by nefariouscory

5. One craves punishment. The other knows how to punish. Is this really a good idea?

6. Their love is based on imagination, shared worlds, and matricide. Pauline/Juliet of Heavenly Creatures, guessed by pandarus

7. He led her through the forest. She led him to the world beyond.

8. They'll always have Paris. And a sky full of zeppelins. Mickey/Jake of Doctor Who, guessed by bats_eye

9. She's slept with everyone rich and famous. Time for the penniless, anonymous junkie. Daisy/Mason of Dead Like Me, guessed by bats_eye

10. Two, four, six, eight, come on girls, go have a date! Megan/Graham of But I'm a Cheerleader, guessed by nefariouscory

11. If he's really a mythological character, her part of the myth hasn't happened yet. Trevor/Claire of Cupid, guessed by oneiriad

12. No sex allowed. Just holding each other, sleeping together, and loving each other forever.

13. Now she's dating a perky alternative manifestation of her grandfather. Life definitely isn't normal anymore. Death of the Endless/Susan Sto Helit, of Discworld and Sandman, guessed by bats_eye

14. The reboot saved his life - and opened his eyes to her. Jake/Diane of Jake 2.0, guessed by amaresu

15. She thought there was another woman. Turns out that's him. Monica/Gerald(ine) of Just Like a Woman, guessed by nefariouscory

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