answers to the OTP meme, and a request

Jan 26, 2009 11:42

I think everyone who was going to guess at the OTP meme has done so, so I'm closing the game! :-) The champion guesser is without a doubt bats_eye, who guessed no less than eight of the 30 pairings.

All the pairings of Round 1 were eventually guessed, while four remained unguessed of Round 2:

3. He faked his death. She almost married someone else. Thank God for that phone call. = Gus/Felicity of Road to Avonlea

5. One craves punishment. The other knows how to punish. Is this really a good idea? Sayid/Sawyer of Lost

7. He led her through the forest. She led him to the world beyond. Kayley/Garrett of Quest for Camelot

12. No sex allowed. Just holding each other, sleeping together, and loving each other forever. Keenan/Joan of Playing by Heart

I'm well aware that these are pretty tricky pairings - but to be fair, I've written all of them except Playing by Heart, and that one's almost a direct quote. :-)


In unrelated news, I've done a fansub of the classic Swedish fantasy-comedy film Äppelkriget and would need a beta watcher for the subtitles. Any takers? It's a wonderful film about nature striking back, and it's only about an hour and a half. Since this version is pre-edit and thus temporary, I've saved the finished file as only 236 mb, so it shouldn't take too long to download.

Pretty please with a cherry on top? If you need a reason to be interested, read the imdb reviews - they're pretty much all going "squee!"

film talk, request, tv talk, meme

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