Title: Some Secret Delight Fandom: Anne of Green Gables Author's note: This follows the canon of the TV series rather than of Anne of Windy Poplars, primarily to fit the scenes in before Anne is engaged to Gilbert
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I really like this. The characterization of both Katherine and Anne rings really true -- and I really like the fact that it's not going to be permanent, that it's one moment that changes Katherine's life and doesn't change Anne's -- and there are awesome turns of phrase, sentences -- I really like:
Undressing Anne was an exquisite pleasure. She had not touched another woman's undergarments or naked skin since she was a child assisting her cousins, and all aspects of their personality had been so revolting to her that the act had been far from pleasant - and she had never been undressed by anyone since she'd learned to do it herself. This was new in so many ways, and every touch felt to her skin like a perfect bath, hot in winter and cool in summer.
The only thing that threw me was the use of "private parts." I have no suggestions, just sympathy -- finding words for girlparts is hard, especially in period pieces. :/
Overall though, well done. I'm glad you wrote this. :)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the fic and felt I did justice to the characters - that's always the trial of fire in every new fandom.
and I really like the fact that it's not going to be permanent, that it's one moment that changes Katherine's life and doesn't change Anne's
Oh, I'm glad! I had such difficulty writing it, because I felt I was sending Anne back into heteronormativity, but apart from canon being canon, I quite like Gilbert, so I couldn't not end it the way I did.
And I'm pleased you liked that particular paragraph, since I actually vetoed my beta reader on it. :-)
The only thing that threw me was the use of "private parts." I have no suggestions, just sympathy -- finding words for girlparts is hard, especially in period pieces. :/
Yeah. It is an awkward term, but I couldn't think of anything non-awkward that would still be in character for a repressed maid like Katherine.
I had such difficulty writing it, because I felt I was sending Anne back into heteronormativity, but apart from canon being canon, I quite like Gilbert, so I couldn't not end it the way I did.
I saw it less as about Gilbert qua Gilbert and more about Anne, and the abundance of love in her heart, and how she loves Diana, and Katherine, and Gilbert, all in different ways, and those loves don't preclude one another -- and though it's not sexual in canon, there is a sense that because Anne is so... Anne... she is immune from the jealousies that haunt some of her schoolmates. (ohgodanne I love her so much.)
That was utterly lovely. It's exactly the voice I'd expect LMM to use if she were writing an erotic tome, and it's exactly the voice I'd expect from Anne if she were inclined to seduce her bosom friends. ^_^
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it and that the voice worked for you. I've read the books several times, but apart from some research checks in Project Gutenberg as I wrote, I've always read them in Swedish, so I'm relieved the experience worked when translated back to its original tongue.
Very, very good take on L.M. Montgomery, especially the earlier part of the story. With a few minor changes in phraseology and sentence structure, it could pass for an actual passage by the author.
The sex scene itself was as good as it could be, considering how sexless Montgomery's characters tended to be. It's funny - I never thought of Katherine in this light before, although of course it makes perfect sense.
Also, I read the post you mentioned me in - I'm not commenting on it, as requested, just acknowledging that I read it.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the story. Lit fic is always harder to write.
It really struck me when rewatching the miniseries and then re-reading Katherine's passages in Anne of Windy Poplars, how she can so easily be read as in love with Anne (especially since she goes out of her way to mention that she hates men *g*).
Also, I read the post you mentioned me in - I'm not commenting on it, as requested, just acknowledging that I read it.
Thank you. I wish I could do things differently, but even this had me agonizing.
Oh, my god! Found this via Femslash Daily. I wanted to slash these two even before I ever heard of femslesh, and you've done it so beautifully. Thank you very much!
Mmmm, that was lovely. (^_^) Very well written. I hadn't really thought about Anne of Green Gables since well before I realized that I myself am, well, saphic, so it was quite interesting being reminded of it's existance (and of how much I used to adore it!) with some very well written femme-slash.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Re-reading the books, it's easy to find lesbian subtext (real or imagined). I recommend giving it a try! :-)
Comments 35
Undressing Anne was an exquisite pleasure. She had not touched another woman's undergarments or naked skin since she was a child assisting her cousins, and all aspects of their personality had been so revolting to her that the act had been far from pleasant - and she had never been undressed by anyone since she'd learned to do it herself. This was new in so many ways, and every touch felt to her skin like a perfect bath, hot in winter and cool in summer.
The only thing that threw me was the use of "private parts." I have no suggestions, just sympathy -- finding words for girlparts is hard, especially in period pieces. :/
Overall though, well done. I'm glad you wrote this. :)
and I really like the fact that it's not going to be permanent, that it's one moment that changes Katherine's life and doesn't change Anne's
Oh, I'm glad! I had such difficulty writing it, because I felt I was sending Anne back into heteronormativity, but apart from canon being canon, I quite like Gilbert, so I couldn't not end it the way I did.
And I'm pleased you liked that particular paragraph, since I actually vetoed my beta reader on it. :-)
The only thing that threw me was the use of "private parts." I have no suggestions, just sympathy -- finding words for girlparts is hard, especially in period pieces. :/
Yeah. It is an awkward term, but I couldn't think of anything non-awkward that would still be in character for a repressed maid like Katherine.
I saw it less as about Gilbert qua Gilbert and more about Anne, and the abundance of love in her heart, and how she loves Diana, and Katherine, and Gilbert, all in different ways, and those loves don't preclude one another -- and though it's not sexual in canon, there is a sense that because Anne is so... Anne... she is immune from the jealousies that haunt some of her schoolmates. (ohgodanne I love her so much.)
The sex scene itself was as good as it could be, considering how sexless Montgomery's characters tended to be. It's funny - I never thought of Katherine in this light before, although of course it makes perfect sense.
Also, I read the post you mentioned me in - I'm not commenting on it, as requested, just acknowledging that I read it.
It really struck me when rewatching the miniseries and then re-reading Katherine's passages in Anne of Windy Poplars, how she can so easily be read as in love with Anne (especially since she goes out of her way to mention that she hates men *g*).
Also, I read the post you mentioned me in - I'm not commenting on it, as requested, just acknowledging that I read it.
Thank you. I wish I could do things differently, but even this had me agonizing.
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