2 Drabbles for 100Moods

Jan 06, 2008 12:15

086: Sinful

Being so close to the Vatican City, Gokudera knew a lot about the holier things in life. Well, he knew more about sinning than anything. And in a manner of twenty-four hours, he had managed to commit all of the Seven Deadlies.

Envy, as to others looking at the Tenth.

Pride, as to finally becoming the Tenth’s right hand man.

Greed, ( Read more... )

100moods, hitman reborn, fanfiction

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Comments 24

ex_hayato987 January 6 2008, 23:15:04 UTC
Ohgod the GokuTsuna one is so precious. I'm sure Gokudera approaches card-making for Tsuna as DELICATE SERIOUS BUSINESS.

I'm not very big on 8059, because a lot of the time, I see people sidestep Gokudera's obsession with Tsuna for the sake of the pairing. But you still included it, and made it even be a springboard for 8059. Its so nice to see <3


katsumeragi January 6 2008, 23:27:59 UTC
There should be a 4chan meme with the Serious Business thing and a pic of Gokudera freaking out. I'd use it XD

8059 is my OTP, but I love the idea of Yamamoto serving as a third wheel to 5927 and to make him seem desperate. Thank you for the comment!!


katsumeragi January 6 2008, 23:38:09 UTC
Wait, I just realized how fucking awesome your username is. Seriously.


downpours January 6 2008, 23:41:17 UTC

I love the way you write both pairings, but I think your YamaGoku piece is now one of my favorite's. 8D

Yamamoto complied and, even if this was the only way he could have Gokudera, through moments of grief or rejection, began to pull him onto the kitchen counter and fumble with his belt buckle.

Best line evaaahr, and I think it's perfect for them.


katsumeragi January 6 2008, 23:50:39 UTC
Thank you :3
That one was actually a lot harder than the 5927 one and I'm glad you thought it worked. [hell yeah countertop sex!]


hehe_05 January 7 2008, 02:24:04 UTC
Sad and fitting, the YamaGoku one. Gokudera condemning himself of all seven sins at the same time.

And his card to Tsuna is just love.


katsumeragi January 7 2008, 03:37:06 UTC
Thank you for the comment :3
He's such a sinful guy!


resound January 7 2008, 04:56:34 UTC
The first one was lovely. I adore the fact that his devotion to Tsuna was involved but didn't overshadow the pairing you were writing. Lovely~

But the second. jdkflsdknfsdkfjd OH GOD THAT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD~ just the idea of the whole thing was completely giggle worthy. win. XDD


katsumeragi January 7 2008, 15:01:15 UTC
That's funny, I think I was trying to make it so 8059 didn't overshadow 5927 but now that I look at it, it could be either way 0_o. Thank you for the nice comments!!


ankhalier January 7 2008, 08:06:16 UTC
Oh my god the second one gave me a fit of giggles. Thank you so much~~

That was great! I look forward to more of your works. =)


katsumeragi January 7 2008, 15:01:42 UTC
Thank you!!

[2 down, 98 more to go 0_o]


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