2 Drabbles for 100Moods

Jan 06, 2008 12:15

086: Sinful

Being so close to the Vatican City, Gokudera knew a lot about the holier things in life. Well, he knew more about sinning than anything. And in a manner of twenty-four hours, he had managed to commit all of the Seven Deadlies.

Envy, as to others looking at the Tenth.

Pride, as to finally becoming the Tenth’s right hand man.

Greed, for volunteering for the most dangerous mission and forgetting the whole deal about “there is no ‘I’ in ‘team.’”

Gluttony, to keep the Tenth for himself.

Sloth, towards anyone else in the Vongola family (except, of course, Tsuna).

Wrath, towards anyone who made his life any more difficult (usually Yamamoto).

Lust…is something he was never good at discussing.

But of course, this was before Tsuna was lying on a bed of flowers, skin colder than the stone that made his grave. Now Gokudera was sticking to wrath, and he was quite good at it. Most orders he had to give out were in the form of barking at subordinates and smacking them upside the head with a stick of dynamite for the smallest mistake. He had isolated himself away from the rest of the guardians because it was no use; he’d end up throwing a fit of curses and pyrotechnics at them too (and that would just be a waste of his money).

He was sitting on one of the barstools in the kitchen, tapping his slender musician’s fingers against the marble countertop, playing etudes and sonatas on invisible ivory keys. At peace, for the first time in weeks.

“It’s good to see you smiling again.”

Gokudera’s peace was obstructed and he looked up to see the tall Japanese man smiling idiotically like they were still in middle school.

“Mind your own fucking business,” Gokudera growled “and I was not smiling.”

“Yeah you did!” Yamamoto said “Okay, it was really small and at the corner of you mouth, but it was just nice to see you looking kind of happy for once.” His mouth tilted into a half-smile. Gokudera replied with a frown and a furrowed brow.

“Yeah, because the whole base has been filled with happiness and rainbows and bunny rabbits and we’re all just brimming with goddamn happiness, now aren’t we?!” Another prime example of Gokudera’s wrath.

Yamamoto continued smiling. He probably recognized his partner’s sarcasm, but replied with “If you ever need to take out your grief on someone, I’m always here.”

“Do you think you’re better than me? Sorry I can’t go around smiling like a dumbfuck for the rest of-”

Gokudera was cut off by a haphazard kiss placed on his chapped lips as Yamamoto grabbed the front of his white button-up and yanked him closer. Gokudera was startled, but used to this sort of spontaneous behavior. His hands found their way clenching fistfuls of ebony hair and cupping the side of the taller man’s face, and he sat up from the barstool and kicked it to the floor. Yamamoto’s tongue began to explore the Italian’s, when Gokudera pulled away to speak.

“None of what’s going to happen means anything, okay?”

Confusion was written across the swordsman’s face. “What’s going to happen?”

“Just make me forget that grief exists for tonight.”

Yamamoto complied and, even if this was the only way he could have Gokudera, through moments of grief or rejection, began to pull him onto the kitchen counter and fumble with his belt buckle.

Lust was something Gokudera was never good at discussing.

Title - #21: Creative
Author - Me, duh
Rating - G
Pairing - 5927
Warnings - It's actually just fluffy...
Summary - Another year, another day free of Valentine’s Day cards

021: Creative

Another year, another day free of Valentine’s Day cards, Tsuna thought as he sighed and reached to the far corner of his desk to retrieve a pencil and felt something flat and fuzzy. His heart began to beat faster than cheetahs and rockets. His chest cavity was going to collapse. Was it really a Valentine card? Had Kyoko really given him something to show her affection?

He pulled the thick, flat object from his desk and saw it was a heart, made from red velvet with white lace around the edges. It was well-made, but not quite a traditional Japanese Valentine. It was a card that’d you see in Europe, most likely…



Dear Juudaime Sawada,

I don’t know what I should write to you on this card except I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day! I mean, wait, I do really admire you, no wait, you are a very important person to me but I don’t know you so that doesn’t work either you have amazing strength you will be a great leader among  If you ever need me, I’ll be right at your side because I love you.

Haya Fumiko.

PS: The chocolates should be okay because I didn’t let my sister brother touch them

He read the card, which was obviously in Gokudera’s handwriting, with small mistakes in stroke directions or the number of small strokes in some kanji. He had even made up a name to put instead of his own!

Tsuna reached back into his desk and felt a crinkly package in the other corner, and pulled it out to reveal a batch of chocolates. He was wondering of Gokudera’s card was out of pity since no girl would dare touch him or write to him, or because of his eerie devotion to him.

For some reason, he wanted to believe it was the second one. Tsuna could envision Gokudera crouched over a table, making sure each piece of heart-shaped velvet matched together perfectly, that the lace was applied seamlessly (he’d even say “applied” and would consider card-making so scientific!), and wanting to detonate himself every time he crossed out a phrase on the card. The chocolate must have taken him hours to make, as each little chocolate square (which tasted a little like gunpowder but Tsuna didn’t mind) was identical to the next one.

Yet his heart was still fluttering from the love put into the card, even if it wasn't from Kyoko.

He would take a Valentine’s Day card from “Fumiko” any day.

100moods, hitman reborn, fanfiction

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