does anyone have an extra lj code who wouldn't mind giving it to me? i want to start a new journal and lay this one to rest, but i can't figure out a way to mass delete everything with this one and start over. thank you!
I just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince a few moments ago and my first reaction to the book was disappointment. Not at all what I was expecting and not in a good way.
I think I may go to a Harry Potter party at Barnes and Noble. Haha...I'm so tired, but Todd, Christine and I want to go. Hmmm...I'll probably regret this. My book should be in tomorrow.
Just im'd with Bryan from Copeland and he said that even though he hasn't had a chance to see them yet, he knows that Brandtson's plane arrived in Tokyo. That has set my mind at ease....
John's flight out of California en route to Tokyo happens soon. Send traveling mercies to Brandtson, Copeland and the Militia Group as they fly 12 hours to Japan.