Dear Brittany Hall, Isn't there supposed to be a radiator in here? Or something? I mean, I still love you, but my hands and feet are about to fall off. Yours, Katie Room 1407E
The time has come to begin a compendium of awesome/hilarious things said by my roommate, Soyoung. Probably none of this will make sense to anybody else, and it barely makes sense to me because she was sober for only a minority of these quotations. But my aim profile is running out of room, so
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You have a total of 22 friends You requested to guess 22 entries. 1 was skipped due to invalid content (surprising?). You made 21 guesses. You got 21 correct. Doing the math for you, that means you got 100% correct
In the stairwell between the 3rd andn 4th floors of the Silver Center, which is this big monstrous building where I take my 2 academic classes, there is a poster advertising an open call audition for a GENDER/RACE BLIND production of Waiting for Godot.
P.S. I changed my icon back, but I think I am going to go with old-school, unedited lil' detective for a while. I like the coy way he/she is twirling that magnifying glass.
Okay, I am going to have to disagree with Maeve right now, up front. Dan Linford freaking out on the bus was awesome. It falls firmly under the pro category. My only regret is that it didn't last longer, despite Megan's rebellious behavior towards the end of the ride
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Okay, I have to use this icon that I stole for just a little bit, because I can't stop laughing at it. Also, how is it only Tuesday. School is never going to end.