So in recent development...

Aug 10, 2010 13:36

My Hesper picspam have been put on hold.  I hope not forever, I do not plan on stopping them. It's just my mind has been completely taken over my another thing instead, which is making the picspams impossible for me to complete.  And for those who do not know, the other thing has to do with Big Time Rush, but not BTR as a whole, but more  ( Read more... )

picspam, hesper, james maslow, jargan, logan henderson

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Comments 9

pinkpanther20 August 10 2010, 21:04:22 UTC
Yay! :) James/Logan is super cute, it's been around in my brain ever since I read one of breila_rose's fics about them. Some of the smaller ships (Kendall/Carlos, Logan/Carlos, etc) have been bumping around in my head. Can't wait to see the picspam! :)


kathrynew30 August 10 2010, 21:13:50 UTC
Yeah they slowly took over my brain after 7 Secrets, that thing is filled with those two.

But YAY! I am glad you are looking forward to it. I guess this is just more reasons why I need to finish it and make it good. :D


stoodupforlove August 10 2010, 23:28:43 UTC
Shh, don't tell, but I'm tracking your LJ posts. That's how I knew you posted. *nods* *stalks you some more*

Woo, I love how you spoil me with caps. I'm so lucky to be on the inside track of everything. *preens like James* I can't believe how much fun we're having with James/Logan. And how much we missed the first time around. It still blows my mind. All the time.

So you'll be watching UnHist soon, won't you? I just realized that. It's good because that way it'll be "quiet on the set" when I write. :) At least for an hour. NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING. I'm not. I love chatting with you.

13 days. Just saying.


kathrynew30 August 10 2010, 23:56:27 UTC
Haha, it's cool. I should probably do the same for you. :D

But hey you give me the inside stuff on your fics, so you deserve to see sneak peak of caps and plus I just love squeeing with you about them.

Actually since it is almost 7 and I am about to eat dinner in like 5 mins, I will either miss all or most of UnHist. :( But I have to cap, so it will give you a chance to write. Because both of us need to catch up on our Jargan. :D

13 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!


stoodupforlove August 11 2010, 00:17:28 UTC
You're missing your show? *gasp* Wow. This is crazy. But hopefully dinner's good.

Guess what I'm doing right now? *big grin* I'm opening a document...I'm starting a new chapter...

SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! Yes, I'm squeeing with you.

And dude. I need some James/Logan icons. Seriously.


hardysmidgen August 30 2010, 16:58:51 UTC
Hello there! *waves*

I've seen you a bit around the Palm Woods, and then I stumbled upon your tumblr where I just realized that you, too, are being held sway by the power that is James/Logan. I was so incredibly excited to see that not only is the couple getting some fans these days, they are amazingly productive fans like you that cultivate the coupling with fics and picspams. :D

I saw that you had done a James/Logan picspam that was going to be f-locked, and I was wondering, might I be able to become a friend? Fell free to peek at my journal to see if we have enough in common, though at the moment, most of my posts are BTR-related since BTR is dominating my life dominating my fandoms at the moment. XD


kathrynew30 August 30 2010, 17:20:52 UTC
Oh dude, of course!

So wait we follow each other on tumblr? Very cool. I just never know these things because everyone has different names. :) But yes James and Logan have taken over completely, though I will say that I may even be doing a Kenlos spam because they are too obvious as well.
I do love how though the Jagan ship is gaining much more fans, it's awesome.

But totally adding you ... now.


hardysmidgen August 30 2010, 17:58:51 UTC
Awesome. :)

Oh! I don't have a tumblr yet. I had originally found my 30 day BTR meme there, and I sometimes end up wandering through the BTR tagged entries. In the midst of that, I ran across your tumblr where I recognized the name from LJ and went "Hey, wait-a-minute!" :D Haha, everyone does have other names so I wouldn't blame you for not being able to keep track, though I would have felt like a complete idiot if that tumblr name belonged to someone else in tribute to your epic LJ-ness. XD

Kenlos spam because they are too obvious as well

AGREE. SO HARD. They are pretty much completely obvious as well...especially when Kendall is just randomly looking down at Carlos's crotch. XD My heart melts a little every time Kendall and Carlos hold hands, so I would be ALL about a Kenlos spam. ;)


kathrynew30 August 30 2010, 18:08:42 UTC
Ah well then yes, you must get a tumblr. But that is super cool that you recognized me from LJ on tumblr, I am flattered. :) Oh but man what if somebody juat happened to use the same name as me without even realizing there was someone else with the same? Would be crazy.

Ooh but I am glad you would be on board a Kenlos train. Woo woo! XD and I LOVE them holding hands. So adorable and obvious.


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