So in recent development...

Aug 10, 2010 13:36

My Hesper picspam have been put on hold.  I hope not forever, I do not plan on stopping them. It's just my mind has been completely taken over my another thing instead, which is making the picspams impossible for me to complete.  And for those who do not know, the other thing has to do with Big Time Rush, but not BTR as a whole, but more specifically James and Logan.  Those boys are way too adorable for me to handle.

I fully blame James and Logan for the fact that they have completely infiltrated my mind, but it also has to do with stoodupforlove  a bit because she helps feed my obsession, well we do it to each other. And because I love her and she is writing her James and Logan fic, so i have to do my part and create something for her to enjoy as well.

But since I have this new love for everything James and Logan, I have picspams for that in the works. And these will get done, because stoodupforlove is pushing me to do it.  Well she keeps me from completely procrastinating on them.  And there will be 2 James/Logan spams.  One from showverse and one from RL.  Hopefully the showverse one will be done by the end of the week.  I don't want to set an actual deadline, because if I do, it will NOT be done in time.

But I fully plan on getting back to Hesper, but I just have to get these other picspams out of my head first. 

picspam, hesper, james maslow, jargan, logan henderson

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