Crazy face picspam, well technically it is Hesper #5,

Jul 27, 2010 14:36

Okay so here it is.  Now the excuse I am using for taking so long with this is that I want to post this on the 27th, because it is pairatime  's bday today. (LJ told me)  :D   but it may also have to do with the fact that I felt awful this weekend so all i did was sleep and work.

Well in honor of pairatime  's birthday let's get this party started.

Again just some Hesper to start it out.

"Okay well I have some plans for us later. You know?"

"Henry you know I have a game. I can't today."

"But ooh, look, candy! And it's from that cheerleader. She gave me a box as a present for joining the team."

"Pfft, why would she give you candy?"

"Maybe she knows of my love for sweets. I mean everyone knows about it, especially Henry."

"But this game is going to be terrible. I suck at sports."


"I am going to embarass myself and the whole school. And you will be embarassed by me."

"What? I would never be embarassed by you.  I love you too much for something like that to bother me."

"Man, do I love you."


"Okay guys enough of the mushy stuff, we need to think about this cheerleader and why she was giving this stuff to Jasper"


"Wait did you say something?"

"Henry, stop thinking about Jasper and pie."

"What! You think I can stop thinking about that stuff?"


"ooh Jasper."

"I see that. Stop flirting you two."

"Haha, you are so silly dad."

"Hehe, I wonder if I should get a pie tonight?"

*rolls eyes*

bitch face.  "You're just jealous."


Crazy face Henry.

"Oh there you are Henry. Wait what are they doing here?"

"What do you want? I told you I wasn't interested."

"What! Pfft, not interested. How can you even say that?"

"Because as I had said, I am taken already."


"I had told you before, but no you didn't listen did you?"


"Wait, what is going on here?"

"Nothing, he is just crazy."

"Could you leave already?"

"Fine, but this was your last chance."

"Like i said, crazy."

"Henry, I am not very hap-"

"OOh, snack time!"

More crazy face Jasper. "Om, nom nom nom."


coming to support his bf, like Jasper did for him.

"Yay! They are putting him in."

Just a nice cap of Jasper playing basketball.


His face breaks my heart.

"Poor Jasper."

"Muffins make everything better."

"Oh, well there's my basketball star."

"Don't mock me."

I just like the fact that Henry and Jasperare walking next to each other and in front of Maggie."

Jasper is intrigued by Henry having a clothes hanger in his trousers.

Don't help your bf Henry.

"If you keep eating those candy bars, you are going to get fat."


"Hurry it up, we need to get back home."

Just enjoying the stares they give each other.

"OH Henry."

"Enough with the staring love birds."

"You asking me to stop staring at Jasper, is like you asking me to stop thinking about him and pie."

"Oh hey Mr. B, there is no OT3 stuff going on here."

"I'm sorry what was that?"

"Nothing, do not worry about it." *frightened Jasper*

"Man I love hanging around."

"Oh crap, I am slipping."

"I 'll catch you!"

I am upset that this moment was blocked by the stupid shield.

"You saved me."

"normally it is always the other was around."

"I didn' t know you could handle all that weight."

"I know right? I am like one of those mothers that lifts cars to save their babies."   :D

Another crazy face Japser

"My sword broke."

"I told you about climbing around with your sword."

"I am so upset. I love swords."

"I know Henry, I know."                  Okay look at how close they are sitting and look at the gap between Jasper and Maggie. :D

"We're category 5!"


"You know, like a tornado."

Again just pointing out the closeness between Henry and Jasper.

Just another bitch face Jasper.


Just because I liked Jasper punching that dude.

"Ah, my eye." *cries*


"Okay something is wrong with Jasper. Must save him."


"Oh Henry you came to save me."

Just love it.

"Okay time to just set you down. And then kill that cheerleader."

"Why would you drug Jasper?"

"Because I wanted you to see how smart I was, by coming up with such a brilliant plan.  So now that you have, we should go out."

"Bitch please."

"Well you are actually really dumb if you thought that would impress me. I like girls who do things for their families."

Sad face.

Taking care of his bf and is super cute while doing it.

Aww, I just love them.



The end.

Okay that is it for this one and I hope you enjoyed this.  And again happy B-Day to pairatime  !

picspam, unnatural history, hesper

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