Title: Nightmares and Daydreams: Time In Flux Author: katherine_b Rating: G Characters: Donna and the Doctor (Nine and Ten) Summary: Donna sees the Doctor in a whole new light.
Oh, I just love this so so much. I love the detail about the TARDISes being the same - of course we know that, but Donna didn't until she saw it. She really is remarkable, and I just love how you write them together.
And I love her getting testy with Nine, and him enjoying that rather much. He'll be lonely when she has to leave, won't he?
Thank you so much! I've always thought it was interesting that Nine and Ten had the same TARDIS when it changes so dramatically for other Doctors.
And Nine clearly loves winding Mickey up, so I know he'd try it on Donna, too. Of course, she wouldn't let him get away with that without tasting some of his own medicine. ;-) And yes, it will be a very empty TARDIS without her...
Comments 16
Oh, they are lucky to have each other *sigh*
And yes, they absolutely are!
And I love her getting testy with Nine, and him enjoying that rather much. He'll be lonely when she has to leave, won't he?
And Nine clearly loves winding Mickey up, so I know he'd try it on Donna, too. Of course, she wouldn't let him get away with that without tasting some of his own medicine. ;-) And yes, it will be a very empty TARDIS without her...
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