Title: Nightmares and Daydreams: Time In Flux Author: katherine_b Rating: G Characters: Donna and the Doctor (Nine and Ten) Summary: Donna sees the Doctor in a whole new light.
Thank you so much! And yes, she finally made him say the words.
But I'm sorry for making you sniffle at the end. *hands tissue* Just remember that this is a different universe where all of that messy stuff never happened, thanks to the TARDIS.
awww, Ten is so right, she's definitely remarkable!!! I like how she finally gets him to admit that he's the same in every regeneration. And Nine and Donna are really good together, now I wish we had seen them together on the show!
Yes, she certainly is, particularly at getting him to do things he doesn't really want to. ;-) And yes, I've had a lot of fun with them together, but seeing them on the screen would have been amazing!
Comments 16
But that last bit just about killed me, knowing how canon went for them *sniffles*
But I'm sorry for making you sniffle at the end. *hands tissue* Just remember that this is a different universe where all of that messy stuff never happened, thanks to the TARDIS.
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