Normally I don't really care what my dreams mean, but the one I had last night has left me with a sense of foreboding and I don't know why... but all the sites I'm finding on google just don't have the explanation so I'm hoping someone on here will have it
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Yesterday I realized I had a bad cough, so I cancelled my childcare shift with the 3mth old. Kept the one with the 8mth but that's because he had the same cough.. and by the time I was done with him I was exhausted
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I am Awesome. And yes, that's my high self-esteem talking - seems the boosting I've been giving it the past few months is starting to pay off. Now I just need to make sure it doesn't go too far
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June 30, 1984. That was 25 years ago, and I wasn't even thought of yet. I'm told it was a sunny, but coolish cloudy day. All I remember from it is old photos of blue suits, pink dresses and a really, really ugly hat
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