but... the story goes on without me!

Jun 21, 2017 19:59

As far back as I can remember, I've believed somewhere in the back of my head, at a gut level of knowing-ness, that the stories in books go on without me. If I put a book down in the middle, it means the story might go somewhere else that I can't see and won't know. I know this isn't a logical attitude, but it's what my brain thinks ( Read more... )

*pairing: steve/bucky, *fandom: spn, *fandom: mcu, *pairing: cas/dean, recs, squee, rants

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Comments 4

supermom20 June 22 2017, 15:21:23 UTC
OMG Steve/Bucky!!!

If you haven't already read it, may I suggest the awesome WIP Infinite Coffee & Protection Detail by Owlet- http://archiveofourown.org/series/195689

245,000+ words of Recovering/Grumpy Bucky awesomeness


katekat1010 June 22 2017, 15:57:26 UTC
OH I've *totally* read the completed fics in that series by Owlet - another one of my favorites!! Such good grumpy-but-awesome Bucky, I totally agree! But I'm waiting for the completion of The Long Road Begins at Home because I'm so WIP resistant. I hope they'll be finishing soon!


elizabuffy December 24 2017, 07:28:06 UTC
I *so* hear you re WsIP. I have to know what goes on *right now*. But, yes, some fics just never have an ending and, as long as it's soul-satisfying, it's good.

I keep forgetting about LJ. *grin*



katekat1010 December 29 2017, 17:24:09 UTC
HI darling!! I totally forget about LJ too, so don't feel bad. Sometimes I still post when I have fandomy things to say, but I so rarely have fandomy things to say that it's like, what, once every 12 months?

Anyway, ugh, wips. love the authors are still writing, hate the nonfinished parts!



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