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Comments 20

jyllandrea October 31 2010, 15:04:42 UTC
The plot thickens!

*rubs palms together*

That's some pretty tight writing. I like how you leave us in suspense and the family drama was excellent. All sorts of tension in that house.


katee412 October 31 2010, 23:52:48 UTC
Thank you! After writing, and rewriting several times the suspense is gone for me so I'm glad it still come across for everyone else ;)

And as to tension, I can only imagine living in a household with two very strong personalities like Consort and Hermia's!


dinuriel October 31 2010, 18:19:35 UTC
Do I detect a hint of foreshadowing at the very end there? ;)

Consort certainly lucked out, getting a detective willing to accept the bribe. I would imagine he has a good forger somewhere too, but what if Ajay does confess? Consort's poor remaining family :(

Hopefully he lays off on Hermia. Girl's been through enough, and it's not like she's just lazing around sipping martinis while Bottom and Kaylynn do all the work. She's taken responsibility and made sacrifices, and babies are exhausting, so if she's got people willing and actually wanting to pitch in from time to time so she can catch a breath, she shouldn't be denied that. Good thing Consort has Kaylynn to talk some sense into him.


katee412 November 1 2010, 00:06:58 UTC
Well it certainly is a possibility, but as you say, if Ajay did confess, it would be devastating for the rest of his family :( But he certainly did luck out, that wasn't my original plot at all! But he and the Detective got along so well that it was one of those moment's the story wrote itself ;)

Thankfully Consort is easing up on Hermia as Kaylynn is there arguing exactly what you just said. I wish I'd thought up the line about the martini's though ;)


lunaselene503 November 1 2010, 17:23:52 UTC
This update completely surprised me and made my day. It's nice to see that Hermia's being responsible. Her turning down Kaylynn's offer really exemplified it. OMG! I knew what was happening when the detectives showed up but I still can't believe it. I wonder what Kaylynn would say if she found out. Poor Detective Baity, he has no idea what to do.


katee412 November 3 2010, 03:37:55 UTC
Thank you, you saying an update made your day has utterly made my day :D

Hermia is definitely taking responsibility and in her situation, that involves major sacrifices. I hate to think how Kaylynn would take it if she found out how ruthless her husband really is, I guess only time will tell if she will ;)

And Detective Baity is certainly in a difficult situation :(


dinoshad2brains November 4 2010, 18:43:45 UTC
Geez, Consort is smooth! I find myself rooting for him sometimes, before I reflect what he did.

But poor Hermia, giving up her chance at University? I know it may take her away from her baby in the short term, but it'll make it so she's more likely to get a job that will allow her more time with her son when he's older. Or maybe she doesn't even have to work with the Capp family fortune. Consort doesn't seem like he'd accept that, though.

...And I just realized none of your teens with maybe the exception of Alex are going to college. I'm sure that's part of the master plan, but I hadn't noticed because they all have such unique and in character reasons for it.


katee412 November 5 2010, 03:31:50 UTC
He is isn't he, smug bastard!

It is hard that Hermia felt that was they choice she had to make, but then again I thought it was important to show that these are usually the opportunities that are lost in her situation. No happy teenage pregnancy stories here like on the exchange.

Alex will be going to University, but a bit later as he's a bit younger. But I'm really glad that the reasons the characters not going to university are believable. Not everyone goes to Uni, I treat my sims way to realistically!


dinoshad2brains November 6 2010, 02:32:08 UTC
I don't think you're treating them too realistically, but then again I was just talking about Hermia as if she would ever have to interact with the real world job market. I think that kind of thought that you've put into this is what makes sim stories appealing.

In the sims University has always struck me as way more black and white than reality. No going back to school later, no online courses or part time students, no junior colleges or vocational schools. Just you're going or you're not. Coupled with how easy the game makes it to get scholarship money as opposed to the real world (or at least the States' super expensive system) it's a very different picture. I like that you're bringing reality back to it, and to teen pregnancy. I'm unfortunately familiar with the consequence-free exchange teen pregnancy archetype.


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katee412 November 8 2010, 04:04:23 UTC
Phew, I'm glad no one noticed. I would have hated to have got you in trouble ;)

Thank you and as you say teen mother's can be happy, but it isn't just a bump in the road. And because Hermia is taking responsibility it does mean that she is going to miss out on things. It doesn't mean she won't or doesn't love her son, it's just a reality.

And I know, Detective Baity as a very new detective felt he had very little choice up against his much senior partner and Consort :(


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