(When I Think of Your Kisses, My Mind) See-Saws...: Master Post (2011 Big Bang)

Aug 26, 2011 17:32

Title: (When I Think of Your Kisses, My Mind) See-Saws...
Author: kate0404
Artist: sillyshy (Check out her art here!)
Beta: eldee & farosdaughter
Rating: R
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (with some Leon/Morgana & Gwen/Lancelot and multiple other small side pairings)
Word Count: 44,000
Warnings: Uhm... fluff? Lots and lots of fluff. Oh, and I guess all series character spoilers (to make me feel like this is a real warning or something).
Summary: Modern AU. Sometimes the road to love is paved in ridiculous, if not somewhat awkward Facebook and Twitter posts, far too many pop culture references than are strictly necessary, nosy supporting cast members with insanely large personalities, the establishment of “The Land of Giant Sofas", and a little bit of liquid courage. Call it a bonus when destiny lives next door. Loosely based on this KMM prompt.
Disclaimer: Merlin, its characters and its settings are property of BBC and Shine. No money is being made from these fanworks, which are intended for entertainment purposes only.
Notes/Thanks: So, uhm, here’s my story. Whew! This is... this is my baby. It may not be anything special; there might not be any action and adventure, or insane plot twists, or “OHMYGODDIDTHATJUSTHAPPEN?!" moments, but it’s all me. You may hate it, but I’m kind of hoping you’ll like it. I’d even take a little bit. :) I can’t even tell you how nervous I am right now (eek!).

The title, because I’m terrible at them, is a quote by Joni Mitchell.

Long list of thank you’s start now (literally in no particular order):
♥ All the members at gsd_rtfn for the support and good wishes and comforting words and motivation I needed to keep writing. Y’all were wonderful.

ayane_tsurugi for being an instigator and getting me (mostly via inadaze22) into the Merlin fandom in the first place and then leaving me for GLEE. And for keeping me grounded during this ridiculous writing process, and letting me bounce ideas off of her, even when she would rather be reading. :)

inadaze22 for allowing me to stalk her years ago in the HP fandom, and becoming my friend anyway. Also for listening to me bitch, whine and complain about my lack of writing skillz and reminding me that I really am not that bad, despite my own insecurities. LOL

♥ Extra extraextraextra big thank you to #CROSSBOW! Dudes, y’all know who you are and y’all know how MEGA AWESOME you are. There are no words that explain what you y’all did for me and I owe you so much. Seriously. Y’all are ah-may-zing and your baked good baskets are going out next week. ;)

yenny2206 for being a fantastic cheerleader and helping me really think about the direction of my story. You were awesome, bb!

heyhoolou who did some of the most amazing art in all the whole wide world. I’ve never had art for any story before and to have someone as talented and awesome as heyhoolou work on my piece... it was like a dream come true. Not to mention she’s absolutely wonderful to talk to and was exceptionally encouraging though the whole process. Just... I’m a lucky girl. :)

♥ To the_muppet for running a tight ship if I’ve ever saw one. This was a great experience because she’s a fantastic mod!

eldee & farosdaughter for holding my hand the last couple of days while I was falling apart. Seriously, you guys... what would I have done without you?!

♥ To everyone else I forgot and/or didn't thank personally here... this story only happened because you listened to me whine, pushed me when I needed, encouraged me when I faltered, and loved me like no other fiends have. You've been amazing and this one is for you. :)

♥ And last, but certainly not least, a great, heartfelt thank you to all of you. The ones who actually took the time to read my little story (and maybe - hopefully - enjoyed it). ♥ ♥ ♥

Alright, shut up, Kate. These people wanna read your stuff maybe. LOL.

Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart FivePart Six

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ship: leon/morgana, character: gwen, character: will, character: gwaine, rating: r, character: arthur, character: uther, character: merlin, prompt: paperlegends, fandon: merlin, character: morgana, character: leon, category: see-saws, ship: arthur/merlin

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