From the Soul to the Song - Refrain Two

Dec 15, 2009 17:30

From the Soul to the Song
Refrain Two
Flying Lessons

He remembered the first time he had flown. It had begun reasonably well with just a simple lifting him and his Singer off the ground. Things had begun to get a bit more complicated when he had tried to add motion. Thankfully, he had stopped himself just before he had crashed into a tree. Hyungjoon hadn’t been so lucky.

Once the headache had worn off, his Singer had agreed to try it again. This time they decided to go down to the water where there was plenty of open space. It was little problem to get up and going again. Even flying forward had been relatively simple. In a short time they had been skimming the waves, laughing and having a good time. The problem began when he happened to start having a little too much fun and forget about the need to keep his Singer in the air as well. Hyungjoon had half drown and gotten thoroughly soaked before he had been plucked by his Weaver from the water.

After that, some very colorful threats had made him much more inclined to pay attention to his Singer. They had progressively gotten better and better at the flying business and were now able to do so almost effortlessly. However, due to their relatively colorful adventure of flight lessons, Jungmin had insisted on two new rules to use when learning. The Weaver will not fly until the Singers successfully can and there will be no flying over or around any dangerous objects. Keeping those in mind, Jungmin had gathered his new students at the water’s edge making sure that for an extra safety precaution Hyunjoong and Jaejoong were out playing somewhere amongst the waves.

Sungmin and Shindong were practically vibrating with energy at the prospect of being able to fly. Kyuhyun simply seemed to be bored.

“So today we are going to work on flying,” Jungmin told them. Even as he mentioned it, Hyungjoon lifted a few feet off the ground to hover in the air. “It is one of the first Weavings I create as soon as we join. Not only can it help us fly, it can help us move incredibly fast.” As he spoke, Jungmin himself began to hover simply to prove his point and certainly not to show off.

“Flying involves a very strict control on air pressure and wind, allowing you to get lift. If you choose you can pressurize the air so much that it becomes a solid surface to stand on. Now the first step is to simply lift them and then we will work on movement.”

“I have a question,” Kyuhyun asked. “If they are flying, I’m going to have to control their every motion, aren’t I?”

“Only at first. Once you figure out how to make them fly there is a certain kind of Weaving that will allow them to control it themselves. It hard to explain but basically it is possible for the Weaver to give their Singer a Weaving that will allow them control of their own element as long as the preexisting Weavings are there.”

“So basically I would need to give Sungmin an active Weaving for wind speed, one for wind direction, one for air pressure, and another for controlling those within the confines of causing his own form to fly?” Kyuhyun asked for clarification.

“Basically,” Jungmin agreed.

“That sounds exhausting,” Shindong commented.

“It becomes instinctive,” Jungmin reassured.

Kyuhyun shrugged. “It’s not any more complicated then singing. I have to keep track of my pitch, my key, the notes, the words, the rhythm, and usually dance on top of that. This should be nothing.”

Hyungjoon blinked. “I never thought of it like that.” Then he narrowed his eyes at his Weaver and darted closer. He punched him in the shoulder before floating back out of range. “Jerk, you made it sound like this flying business is so hard. It can’t be any harder then singing and I know how hard that is.”

Jungmin gave him an innocent look. “It is very hard. I have such a difficult time at singing.”

“Lair!” Hyungjoon declared in mock anger, before launching himself at Jungmin and beginning an impromptu aerial wrestling match.

Kyuhyun sighed and muttered. “It is really hard to level up with them as our trainers.” He then held out his hands to both of his Singers.

“Don’t you want to wait for them to give you pointers?” Sungmin asked.

“No,” Kyuhyun replied. “No one told me how to open my mouth and sing. They just worked with what came out.”

Shindong nodded and he and Sungmin grasped Kyuhyun’s hands and began to sing. Kyuhyun felt their Songs fill him and he paused for a moment letting them amass in power. He closed his eyes while simultaneously letting go of their hands. Tentatively he felt the air around him. Once he felt what he thought he needed to he nodded and began weaving.

Sungmin’s exclamation of “Cool!” was his clue that it had been working. He opened his eyes to see both of his Singers hovering just above the beach. Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes and both of them drifted backward before drifting forward again. Nodding to himself he felt for his separate Weavings and tied them together on each of his Singers, adding in a final one that would hopefully respond to them.

“Try moving where ever you want,” Kyuhyun told them. Both nodded and Shindong suddenly jerked sideways. He let out a gasp of terror before Kyuhyun threw up another Weaving, stopping him entirely.
“Well it works,” Shindong said with a nervous laugh.

Sungmin laughed and floated over. “You have to think of how fast you want to go too,” he pointed out.

Shindong grinned. “Look air moonwalk!” He proceeded to moonwalk backwards as if the air itself were his stage.

Sungmin proceeded to flip and execute a series of spins and kicks that were impressive on the ground and even more so when in the air. “I think I could get the hang of this,” he said when he was done. He glanced over at Kyuhyun and scowled when he saw the tension on the younger man’s face. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah,” Kyuhyun said as he rubbed at his temple. “It’s just a lot to create and hold. I don’t really have to do anything with the Weavings but I have to control the power to each one because some things take more power to do than others.”

Sungmin nodded in understanding and drifted over. “How about creating another Weaving to control the power flow? Then you will only have to provide it with power and it can control the rest.”

“That might work,” Kyuhyun said after a moment. He reached out his hand. “Come here. It’s easier to work on it if we are touching.” Sungmin immediately offered him his hand and drifted down so that he was nearly standing. Kyuhyun let his eyes close as he felt for the Weavings that he had already put in place. He carefully weaved another one among the rest and then as an afterthought tied the rest tighter together. Now he was fairly certain that he could throw the entire thing on either of his Singers at a moment’s notice.

Kyuhyun nodded and released Sungmin’s hand before mentally reaching out and altering Shindong’s as well. Once both were finished, he felt the strain on him reduce considerably. When he opened his eyes he was smiling. Just to test his Weavings he attempted to place the whole group of them on himself at once. Immediately his ability responded to his desire and a moment later he was able to hover off the ground much like his Singers.

There was clapping from off to the side and the trio looked over to see both Jungmin and Hyungjoon standing and applauding them. Both had blue sand in their hair, indicating that their wrestling match that had stopped at some point, had at one time, caused them to roll around on the sand like puppies. “Now, should we test it?” Jungmin asked with a smile.

“Anyone up for air ball?” Hyungjoon asked holding up a small ball.

Sungmin grinned. “Sure,” he was always game for a completion. Shindong smiled and agreed as well.

Kyuhyun’s smile spelled danger to anyone who knew him. “Sure,” he agreed with a seemingly casual shrug of his shoulders. It was a great opportunity to test out the Weavings he had just created. Besides, no one had said anything about it being against the rules to tamper with the other team’s ability to fly.

Verse Thirteen


AN: I'm free for a whole month! School is done for the next month so I am free to bring you lots of fun! This was a fun little refrain that was highly requested. So here you all go. ^_^

Now for my special celebratory holiday event. So it is going to work like this. You as a reader leave me a character or pairing (from the groups SS501, Super Junior, DBSK, SHINee, or possibly others just ask). Then also pick one holiday themed word or item (for example candy cane, snow, joy, etc.) I will then compose a paragraph or two using that information.(The first round has been posted but I will still take more requests). Everyone can participate! Have fun! Be creative!

from the soul to the song, fanfiction, super junior

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