From the Soul to the Song - Verse Seven

Nov 03, 2009 21:20

From the Soul to the Song
Verse Seven

“How can this place not have any alcohol?” Kangin griped as he flopped down at the table by Leeteuk.

“Maybe they want us to have a clear mind when we are, I don’t know, playing with the elements?” Kyuhyun replied sarcastically. Kangin snorted and grabbed a piece of fruit.

“Hyung is this all the food there is here?” Shindong asked while frowning at the food in front of him.

“They will bring meat for dinner,” Heechul answered.

“So I have a question,” Sungmin stated. “When are we going to start learning this whole abilities thing?”

“Probably tomorrow,” Siwon answered. “They told us about our powers and then we worked on them the next day.”

Sungmin nodded satisfied and turned to join Eunhyuk and Donghae in conversation. Siwon watched his fellow members and a smile formed on his face. Seeing it Hankyung bumped him gently with his shoulder. “It’s nice to have them here now, isn’t it,” he said softly.


After several minutes, Kyuhyun looked up as if something had just dawned on him. “Hey I just realized, when Heechul, Siwon, and Hankyung fought, Siwon and Heechul were holding hands but Hankyung and Heechul weren’t.”

Beside Hankyung, Heechul stiffened subtly. The Chinese man placed a reassuring hand on Heechul’s back. Around the table conversation quieted as the members realized what had been said.

“That would mean,” Donghae started and then let his thoughts trail off.

“They are sleeping together?” Eunhyuk asked as if he was unsure.

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?” Heechul snapped defensively.

“How long?” Kibum asked calmly.

“Shortly after we were done with our first round of M promotions,” Hankyung answered, pressing his hand more firmly into Heechul’s back.

There was a pregnant pause as everyone contemplated this news before Yesung spoke. “That means I win. I believe everyone owes me fifty.”

“Seriously? I could have sworn it happened earlier!” Eunhyuk groaned.

“So close,” Donghae moaned. “I swear it happened before. Just after we started promotions.”

“I thought it would take longer,” Ryeowook said softly.

“I was off by a month,” Zhou mi said with a sigh.

“How did that happen?” Kyuhyun asked curiously. “You and Hankyung chat all the time. I would have thought you would have known first.”

Zhou mi narrowed his eyes. “Just because we come from the same country doesn’t mean he tells me everything.”

“At least you all were in the ball park,” Henry commented with a sigh. “I was way off.”

Through their entire debate Hankyung had felt the tension flowing out of his body. He didn’t know what he had expected the members to do when they found out, but he was grateful for the easy acceptance and even joking about the situation. Beside him Heechul was the opposite and had stiffened further.

“You all bet on us,” Heechul hissed dangerously.

“We knew it was going to happen eventually. We figured we might as well,” Kibum told him, completely unbothered by Heechul’s reaction.

“How dare you all?” he hissed. “You have no right.”

“Heechul it’s not that big of a deal,” Kyuhyun replied.

Heechul stiffly stood to his feet. “What I do and who I do it with is none of your business.” He didn’t give anyone a chance to respond before he turned and stormed from the room.

“Geez, what is his problem?” Shindong asked no one in general.

“Leave it,” Leeteuk ordered. The group exchanged one more look before moving onto other topics.

“I wonder if they have any balls around here?” Donghae mused.

Hankyung tuned out the remainder of the conversation. “I’ll be back,” Hankyung muttered. Siwon nodded and he rose from his seat before slipping from the room and down the hall. At his and Heechul’s shared room, he paused for a moment. After taking a breath he opened the wood separating them. Inside Heechul was pacing the length of the room scowling at the wall darkly.

“Heechul,” Hankyung called softly as he shut the door behind him.

“What?” Heechul hissed, rounding on him. “Are you here to tell me that I shouldn’t have walked out? That I shouldn’t be mad at them? To comfort my poor distressed heart? I’m not a woman!”

Hankyung chuckled. Heechul was an excellent actor indeed. “I’m well aware that you aren’t a woman.” He shrugged and pulled off his shirt, dropping it on the floor before crossing the room to the bed and laying on it. “I just wanted a nap and my bed happens to be in here.”

Slowly he stretched his arms up over his head and arched his back, feeling the satisfying stretch of muscle in his body. He was well aware of Heechul’s eyes on him as he relaxed back into the mattress.

“Bastard,” Heechul muttered. Despite his word, he prowled over to the bed and, with a few disgruntled noises, settled alongside Hankyung.

The Chinese man reached out and dragged him tightly to his side. Heechul squirmed and fidgeted for a moment in protest before relaxing fully there. “You’re mistaken by the way,” Hankyung commented. “I know my father quite well.”

Heechul snorted lightly and turned his head giving him room to nip at the bare skin of Hankyung’s chest. At the feeling of teeth Hankyung released a warning noise, “You leave a mark, I’m tossing you off the bed.”

In response Heechul chuckled and placed a kiss over the place his teeth had just touched. He settled his cheek on Hankyung’s chest, content to lay there for a moment. His fingers flitted over the man’s stomach before Hankyung covered Heechul’s hand with his own. Heechul stilled and allowed his hand to be held as he let himself relax.

The older man had fallen into a light doze by the time Hankyung next spoke. “You were only upset because there was no drama.” Heechul snorted but made no move to correct him. Hankyung smoothed one hand down Heechul’s back before continuing. “I’m glad they know. I don’t like keeping things from them.”

“Me either,” Heechul agreed quietly. He started to say something further when there was a knock at the door. “What?” Heechul called out irritated. Hankyung swatted him lightly on the back in reprimand.

Siwon opened the door slightly and peeked his head in. “Hey, Donghae found a soccer ball. We are going to get together with the other guys and have a massive game. You guys wanna join?”

“Yeah,” Hankyung answered before Heechul could.

Heechul snorted before turning to smirk at Siwon. “I’m going to make out with your best friend now. You are welcome to stay and watch.”

Instantly, Siwon’s face flushed bright red. “I’ll see you outside,” he blurted out as he slipped out the door and pulled it firmly shut behind him.

Hankyung chuckled before rolling over and covering Heechul’s body with his own. “That was mean,” he admonished.

Heechul smirked and wrapped his arms around Hankyung’s neck. “No, it was the truth.” Hankyung placed a kiss on Heechul’s nose before continuing his motion and moving off the bed.

“I’m going to go play.” Hankyung told the disgruntled man on the bed. He pulled a tank top out of his drawer and pulled it over his head. At the door he paused and faced Heechul. “You coming?”

Heechul groaned and crawled off the bed. Grumbling under his breath he crossed the room to Hankyung’s side where he linked their arms together. “Don’t complain,” Hankyung told him. “Look at it this way. If you start losing I can always sing for you.”

Heechul smacked him lightly on the arm. “I’m not going to cheat; I’ll just astound people with my skill.”

Hankyung snickered but knew better then to comment on Heechul declaration. Instead he produced a general noise and led them from their dorm out into the clearing. There, someone had produced - or created, one could never be sure in this place - two soccer nets and placed one at each end of an approximate field. Donghae and Eunhyuk were passing a ball between them while the rest of their friends seemed to be milling around waiting.

“I call Hankyung!” Donghae declared the moment he looked up and saw them.

“Not fair!” Eunhyuk protested.

“Is too. Quicker reflexes!” Donghae smirked and caught the ball in both hands before jogging over to what appeared to be his team.

“What am I chopped liver?” Heechul asked sarcastically.

“No,” Eunhyuk responded. “It’s just that Hankyung is -“

“Yeah, yeah,” Heechul responded flippantly, detaching himself from the Chinese man and crossing the field to his new team. “But I know all the ways to distract him.” At that thought Eunhyuk brightened.

“Cheating is not allowed!” Donghae disagreed.

“You’re only saying that because you can’t cheat,” Heechul smirked back.

“Alright teams get into positions,” Leeteuk called. He gestured for Donghae to throw him the ball and then moved to the middle of the field. Eunhyuk and Donghae stepped to the center to meet him. On Eunhyuk’s side of the field Junsu, Changmin, Hyungjoon, Hyunjoong, Kyujong, Kangin, Heechul, Kyuhyun, Yesung, and Shindong spread out, while Sungmin took up his place at the goal. On Donghae’s side Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Jungmin, Youngsaeng, Hankyung, Siwon, Zhou mi, Henry and Ryeowook spread out, while Kibum took up his place at the goal.

“Ok,” Leeteuk stated using his ‘leader’ voice as he held the ball. “There is no use of any special abilities by any that have them. Any players caught using them will be kicked out of the game. Standard rules apply.”

“Is this an infomercial or are we going to start the game?” Eunhyuk asked Leeteuk. His body was practically vibrating with energy.

Leeteuk narrowed his eyes at him but lifted the ball regardless. “Play ball!” he declared and then he dropped the ball between the two men.


Three hours later most of the players were reclining on the grass. Donghae, Eunhyuk, and a few of the more competitive men were reviewing the outcome of the game and all that had transpired. The final score was four for Donghae’s team, five for Eunhyuk’s. Despite the fact that Leeteuk had declared the score official, Donghae and his teammates, particularly Yunho, were certain the something fishy had occurred.

Heechul was sprawled on his back, uncaring what he looked like at the moment, watching the sky darken as the sun slipped past the horizon. He was debating whether or not he should stager to his feet and move inside or spend the night on the grass, when a full water bottle dropped onto his stomach. Scowling he looked up to find Kangin smirking and sipping from his own bottle.

“You had better drink something, oh skinny one, or Leeteuk will start fretting.” Heechul glared and pondered whether or not it would be worth the effort required to kick Kangin in the shin. He decided it wasn’t. Instead he opened the bottle and sat up so that he could drink without drowning himself. Kangin sunk down beside him.

“You know,” Kangin said softly. “You didn’t have to keep it a secret. None of us care.”

Heechul laughed bitterly. “The more people that know, the more chance there is for it to get out. You might not care that I am gay for my best friend. Fans, despite all of their pretending we are together, will care.”

Kangin laughed softly. “I guess you’re right. It’s a different ball game to them if you really are gay. No one is going to rat you out though.”

Heechul offered him a look of disbelief, “this coming from the man with diarrhea of the tongue?”

“I don’t say anything important. You know that,” Kangin huffed. He glanced over at Leeteuk who was currently moving from member to member and clearly trying to shoo them to bed with little success.

“I know,” Heechul agreed quietly, finally.

Kangin sighed. “I had better go help Leeteuk so he doesn’t exhaust himself,” he rose to his feet and dusted off his pants. “Don’t get too loud with Hankyung tonight. It’s over if I hear you guys.”

This time Heechul found enough energy to swing his leg out and connect with Kangin’s while offering him a dangerous glare. Kangin laughed, despite the sting before offering Heechul a wave and turning to go round up their leader.

Heechul took a few more drinks of water before he felt a body behind him and an arm slid around his shoulders. Even when he wasn’t singing, Heechul could hear Hankyung’s song, like a quite murmur in the back of his mind. It allowed him to always know where the man was and, though he would never admit it, he enjoyed the soothing feeling of closeness it brought him. He reclined into the body behind him knowing it was Hankyung that he was leaning into.

“Are you ready to go to bed?” Hankyung’s voice murmured into his ear.

“Hopefully you don’t mean to sleep,” Heechul replied, tipping his head back to rest on the man’s shoulder and graciously offering his neck.

Hankyung chuckled and placed his lips against Heechul’s skin before pulling away only enough to speak. “Oh we might be able to work something out.”

“Get a room!” Sungmin’s voice called out from across the field. Heechul lifted his hand and offered the man his middle finger entirely uncaring that Sungmin was an advanced martial artist that could do serious damage should he choose to take offense. He had his own ninja to protect him.

Against his skin, Hankyung chuckled. “Come on we should head to our room.” He gave Heechul’s skin one last kiss before he pulled away and offered his hand to the still sitting man.

“Fine,” Heechul replied loud enough for all to hear, as he placed his hand in Hankyung’s. “But if he isn’t careful we might decided to use his.” Hankyung simply shook his head and led his Weaver towards their room.


The next morning the members of Super Junior found themselves once again summoned to the clearing by Vidyagauri. With only minimal groaning - mostly on Heechul’s part since he fully felt that his presence was not required - everyone settled into their teams.

“This morning I am going to teach you how connect as Singers and Weavers,” she told them. “Please form into your groups. The easiest way is to hold hands and close your eyes.” She gave them a moment to resettle themselves into the instructed positions. “Now Singers, you need to sing, softly so you don’t disturb anyone else, and feel for the power in you that you found yesterday. It should be easier to find now that you have done it once. Once you have found it envision pushing it out and to your Weaver through your hands. Weavers you must focus on the power that you found within yourself and use it to reach out to your Singers and feel their power. Once you feel it then you need to grab it and pull it into yourself. Once you do that it will be like a faucet has been turned on and it will not stop until you shut it off. You may begin.”

“What about me?” Yesung asked.

“For now, work like any Weaver would. Later you will be taught how to work as a Spinner.” Yesung nodded his head and closed his eyes.

“And me?” Henry asked.

Vidyagauri smiled at him gently. “For now you can observer with me. This afternoon I will introduce you to the Music Master.” Henry nodded and tried not to let his disappointment show. Slowly she made her way from group to group, checking on progress as she went.

Suddenly Leeteuk’s eyes flew open and he released a small gasp. Kangin opened his eyes as well to stare at the man sitting across from him. “Are you ok?” he asked concerned.

“Yeah,” Leeteuk offered softly. “It just feels like I gave you a part of myself.”

“That is natural,” Vidyagauri reassured. “Once he starts weaving things for you he will return that to you with a piece of himself as well. Kangin you should feel the power of Leeteuk’s Song.”

“I feel it,” Kangin responded not looking away from Leeteuk. Vidyagauri nodded satisfied and moved away. “Are you sure you are alright?”

“I’m fine,” Leeteuk reassured him. “It just surprised me is all.”

Across the field Yesung released a satisfied noise. “Strange,” he muttered. “It doesn’t feel that much different than normal.”

“It is very likely that you were picking up on their Song all along. The Spinner of Spirit usually can,” Vidyagauri told him as she walked up.

“Sungmin why do I feel like I just got a flash of pink,” Kyuhyun grumbled.

“You did not,” Sungmin protested.

“How would you know? I’m the one getting your Song. Not the other way around.”

“Songs don’t have colors. Wait. Do Songs have colors?” Sungmin called across to Vidyagauri much like a child would ask their parent.

“They can. It simply depends on the Weaver, what parts of your Song they can see better than others,” she answered.


“Then what color is Shindong’s?” Sungmin responded smartly.

“Orange,” Kyuhyun responded immediately.

“You made that up,” Sungmin retorted.

“I did not. How would you know anyway?”

“You just did.”

“Ha!” Donghae exclaimed happily as he opened his eyes. “I can feel them, but they feel different. Kibum feels cold and Eunhyuk feels sort of hot. Is that normal?”

Vidyagauri laughed lightly. “It is fine. You have all done very well. Now simply let your connections stay open and you will be able to accumulate their power.”

“What now?” Eunhyuk asked eagerly.

’Now,’ Kanja’s voice sounded from right behind him. Eunhyuk nearly flew off the ground in surprise and as the fish giggled and swam in a tight circle. ’I love doing that!’

“You scared the crap out of me!” Eunhyuk exclaimed, standing beside the rest of his team and clutching his heart. The Light One in her orb of water did a quick circle around Eunhyuk before pausing in front of him. Eunhyuk wasn’t sure how, but he swore that she looked puzzled. ’I don’t see any crap that came out of you…’ A moment later the rest of the members burst into laughter while Eunhyuk looked mostly confused.

’I believe it is a human phrase,’ Avanipala told her gently as he and the other three Light Ones stepped out of the trees. ’Come our Weavers, Singers, and Spinner. We will take you to where you will receive the next part of your training.’

Heechul raised his hand sarcastically. “May I be exempt from this activity?”

’Nice try brat. The other Weaver of Fire has some nice fun planned for you. Maybe you will actually be able to earn your own title.’ Endellion responded with a flick of his tail.

“Dumb cat,” Heechul muttered, miffed.

“Be careful Hyung. He can set you on fire quicker than you can blink,” Siwon cautioned.

’See your Singer of Fire is a smart one,’ the cat responded.

“Why does he get a title?” Heechul asked incredulously.

’He earned it. Now come along brat.’ Endellion spun and flicked his tail leading the way into the forest.

“I’ll show you a brat,” Heechul grumbled under his breath as he stomped after the cat. Hankyung and Siwon both sighed before following themselves.

There were a few snickers exchanged between the remaining members of the group before Avanipala called them back to order. ’Come children. There is much to do.’

Verse Eight


Character Information

AN: Ok so I couldn't wait for my beta again and just decided to post this thing for you all. If anyone noticed Avanipala made a magical name change from Auanipala... I couldn't read my own handwriting to see that the u was supposed to be a v... His name is important so I had to make it right. On that note I have created an information sheet that will list the things that I have mentioned about the characters as well as some fun facts including name means and pronunciation (yes all my OCs names have meanings because I'm a dork like that). You can find it linked directly above this post.

from the soul to the song, fanfiction, super junior

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