[Fic] Reborn!: Five Relatives Hibari Kyouya Doesn't Have

Sep 02, 2009 23:25

Took a break from the epic 6918 fic--of which I'm still only 1,700 words into. Ended up cranking out this little 5-part piece of crack in one sitting. /sigh


Title: Five Relatives Hibari Kyouya Doesn't Have

Series/Characters: [Reborn!] Hibari Kyouya (& Mukuro Rokudo, Shamal, Fon, Yamamoto Takeshi, OFCs, OMC)

Disclaimer: Amano's. Am only playing.

Word Count: 855

Notes: Mostly crack/humor-flavored gen, and a hell of a lot of speculation. Definitely proudest of the third one. Can never get enough of character speculation for this boy. =)

Summary: Hibari Kyouya has no family. Except for when he does (6 degrees of separation and all).


Five Relatives Hibari Kyouya Doesn't Have
by kasugai gummie


He can’t breathe, can barely think. There’s blood in his mouth, but he’s not sure he has the energy to spit it out properly. It’s a novel experience, certainly, but Hibari still plans on putting that goddamn physician into a blood offering after he finishes clearing out Kokuyo’s infestation.

As if responding to his murderous thoughts, the stupid-haired bastard laughs quietly from where he’s seated. “Still dreaming of biting me to death?” Rokudo taunts.

Hibari snarls and inadvertently inhales a petal or two. He wheezes.

Soft footsteps, gradually getting louder, alert him to Rokudo’s approach. But Hibari doesn’t bother looking up when the black-soled shoes stop in front of him. Such an action is thoroughly unnecessary when a hand is fisted into his hair and yanking his head back for him moments later.

Mismatched eyes regard him thoughtfully, almost curiously. In fact, the bemused staring continues long enough for Hibari to thoroughly appreciate the sharp, insistent reminders of a broken rib digging where it shouldn’t dig.

“Hmm,” Rokudo muses aloud, switching his grip in Hibari’s hair to a new angle. He turns his captive’s head every which way, as if inspecting a potential purchase from all directions of light. The odd, right eye suddenly goes unfocused (though the fingers seemed to tighten their hold in response).

When Rokudo blinks again, he’s smirking in a manner that makes Hibari want to crush his face in. “Now that’s unexpected,” he murmurs to himself and refocuses on Hibari’s sullenly bruised and bloodied features.

Hibari doesn’t really care. But Rokudo elaborates anyway:

“I thought you looked familiar, you see. Just had to confirm it for myself; it just so happens that one of my previous incarnations is, fortuitously, your great-great-great-grandfather. Imagine that.”


The problem has always been in their unerring similarities. They’re simply too much alike, biological differences aside. To borrow a cliché: there’s simply not enough room for the two of them in any one place, for any extended periods of time.

Shamal discovers this the hard way when he chances upon and tries to interrupt their terse conversation: three minutes after his initial, “Well, hello there miss; I feel like we’ve met before-” and he’s too busy being literally bowled over in a bloody corner. Possibly nursing a mild concussion too if the off-kiltered glaze in his eyes is of any indication.

Hibari Kyouna rakes a tapered hand through her hair and steps on the lab-coated figure once again for good measure. Then she turns back to her younger brother whose scowl only deepens.

“If you’re done being a nuisance, leave already,” he snaps.

“Make me,” she hisses. “You owe me 20,000 yen for helping you emasculate that annoying kufufufu-ing foreigner.”

“I love twins,” Shamal says adoringly, albeit a bit unsteadily, from his upside-down, head-over-heels sprawl. A flyaway tonfa takes him out soon thereafter.

ETA: runesque drew the twins! SHE DREW THE TWINS.


Hibari watches his guest from over the rim of his cup in contemplative silence.

“You’ve shrunk, uncle,” he says finally.

“So I have,” Fon agrees, and sips unhurriedly at his own tea.


Yamamoto finds out from Reborn (who found out from Bianchi, who apparently still keeps in touch with both esteemed ladies) that his mother is alive and well.

More than just well, in fact; it would appear that the infamous Bloody Swallow has been keeping quite busy with her job as a contracted killer for the Hong Kong triads as of late. She still misses her hubby and darling son though, as she sometimes tells the Poison Scorpion and the Dowager Nightingale during their biweekly mahjong nights.

Hibari finds out from Yamamoto.

“-I couldn’t believe it myself, I mean apparently our moms get along really well and even play games together! How cool is that? So anyway, I was thinking: if our moms are like, first cousins, that totally makes us second cousins-”

Hibari tonfas Yamamoto ten meters back into the hallway before he could finish and slams the Reception Room door in his stupid face when he gets back up with only a bloodied nose and sheepish grin.


The alarm go off at a-quarter-til-nine and when it continues to sound five minutes later, Hibari finishes his tea and goes to investigate the situation himself, Kusakabe at his heels. Interrupting classes already-in-session was unacceptable.

He sees the litter of bodies as he crosses the courtyard threshold first-some uniformed, others leather clad-and feels a familiar itch in his teeth when his eyes fall on the apparent leader.

“Hey, long time no see.”

Hibari doesn’t bother answering, but nor does he immediately move to toss the intruder back out on his ass (an oddity in itself). Instead he watches as the figure crosses the school gates with a flat, unimpressed stare.

Dark hair, sharp eyes, snub nose, and that gliding stride; Kusakabe watches from the side, face slack as realisation dawned and the maybe not-so-strange stranger returns Hibari’s look with a razor-sharp grin of his own, eerily familiar.

“It’s been a while, big brother. Mother wants you home.”


Completed: September 3, 2009


Post-fic Notes:

一。 This one should be self-explanatory. Mukuro's buddhist/karmic ties will never cease to ping me.

二。 Fraternal twins! Had some difficulties with deciding on a name for Hibari's twin sister. But, whatever. Apparently Kyouna is a legit girl name either way. 8D;

三。 Almost went with making Fon Hibari's grandfather, but realised the age differences shouldn't be that much.

四。 This is totally a tie-in to my forever WIP 20 Facts About Yamamoto Takeshi project. I... really should pick that one up again and finish it, huh. OTL

五。 In my head, I call this one-time character "Hibari Touya" LMAO. The idea that set the wheel into motion, essentially. I'd already hypothesized on Hibari's parents in a previous 20 Facts fic and somehow set my sights on the idea of siblings. Hibari would totally be a horrible/uncaring sibling. Probably. XD


Oh, crack-ficcing how I've missed you. ♥

!fic, [katekyo hitman reborn!]

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