[Meme] 30-Day Earrings: Day 14 & 15

Jun 03, 2012 22:47

DAY 01 02 03 04&05 06 07&08 09&10 11 12&13


Dimensions (not including hooks): 4cm

Mother brought these for me in 2008 from her yearly trip back to China (while I was chained to the continent due to the MCATs... I think? My memories are rather fuzzy as to that period because of reasons.) Technically, I probably could have chosen any of the previous days' earrings because I think ALL OF THEM ARE THE PRETTIEST DON'T JUDGE ME, but I'm allergic to repetition and have been doing my utmost best to avoid it. I don't know what materials these earrings are made of, but even after 4 years, they're still ridiculously shiny. Pika pika~ I AM A MAGPIE OKAY



Dimensions (not including the hooks): 1.8cm x 2.9cm

Got these during that first crazy-earring shopping spree in 2011, separate from the ebay batch though. Jody Coyote earrings, material: I have no fucking clue. Some sort of oxidized alloys? Obviously I haven't bothered trying to figure the material to this pair yet. All I know is that they tinkle when I move my head and sound quite musical because the swirl design element is separate from the blue/green plate element. I must confess though, that while the retail price of these earrings was at a goddawful 54USD, I actually got them for 18USD. This was only after I stacked a fuckton of coupons and special offers and promotional specials on top of everything though. The real "most expensive" pair I have in my current collection is the steam punk pair, but repetition :(

personal, #memes: general, photos, earrings

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