7 days of self-promo - day 7

Jun 20, 2014 11:46

I had to think a bit about this final day - something I'm really proud of? I am proud of some of my work when I do it, but later on I pick it to death, or doubt if it's good, you know? So for me I'd say it's hard to maintain that sort of positivity over the long haul. There's a couple of stories that I like quite a bit, a couple of vids I'm fond of ( Read more... )

zines, starsky_and_hutch, meme, zombies_are_here, fan fiction

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Comments 12

tipitiwitchet June 20 2014, 21:08:19 UTC
You were definitely a comma hater : )

It's a thing to be proud of for sure, babes. It's a glorious piece of work and a true labor of love.


kassidy62 June 26 2014, 15:33:35 UTC
I went too far with the comma hating, drat it:) But besides that, and the fact that it maybe ought to have been split in two just so the thing could be HELD more comfortably (okay so I still pick at things, who knew? :) but I AM proud of it. It has a lovely look to it, inside and out if I do say so myself, and there's some really wonderful stories in it.


cynatnite June 20 2014, 21:59:06 UTC
I'm really proud to have been a part of that zine. If you ever take the plunge for a Part Deux I'd love to contribute, but I know you put so much of yourself into this thing. I can understand not doing it again.

I love this zine.


kassidy62 June 26 2014, 15:34:54 UTC
Part of me would LIKE to do it again, if only I had the time and energy:) I'm very glad you were part of the zine.


hardboiledbaby June 21 2014, 07:17:43 UTC
You did it! And closing it out with a bang-what a magnificent fanwork.


kassidy62 June 26 2014, 15:35:39 UTC
and you were here for it, thank you <3


hardboiledbaby June 27 2014, 09:42:54 UTC
It was really interesting! I like to hear what folks think about their 'babies' and their creative process. Now I want more people to do this meme! I might even give it a go, myself :)


kassidy62 June 27 2014, 14:06:01 UTC
I'd love to see you do this meme.


greenlady2 June 26 2014, 07:02:37 UTC
"...There's a couple of stories that I like quite a bit, a couple of vids I'm fond of, but out and out proud?"

But why shouldn't you be proud? What's wrong with being proud of something you've done?

The thing is, society as a whole, and especially fandom, tries to take that right of feeling proud away from us. I got sick of it, all the pressure to have my stories 'ripped to shreds' in order to be a 'good writer', a concept I consider to be total crap. That's why I quit writing Starsky and Hutch stories, and now have given up writing fan fiction entirely. But I'm proud of every single story I wrote, and I'll never bow to the pressure to think they weren't any good.


kassidy62 June 26 2014, 16:05:05 UTC
Competition in society is brutal, and I'm divided as to how I feel about it. I think it's most likely a natural thing with a species as dominant and numerous as we are, which doesn't make it any easier of course. And there's a lot of qualifications and conditions to add to this statement, but I do feel an outsider perspective can be really useful for my writing. And I think that a thoughtful, balanced, mindful, *helpful* edit (in and out of fandom) is almost an art ( ... )


greenlady2 June 26 2014, 19:51:15 UTC
"...but I do feel an outsider perspective can be really useful for my writing ( ... )


kassidy62 June 26 2014, 23:55:07 UTC
I agree being super-critical and also self-conscious can be disabling, not to mention taking away pleasure in the work itself, which really is a shame, isn't it?
Discussion about an issue is one thing, but as for forcing views on someone else, my reaction in short is: screw that.
I particularly dislike being preached at instead of spoken to as a person, you know? I've seen that quite a bit, frequently cloaked in some weird sort of righteousness.


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