7 days of self-promo - day 7

Jun 20, 2014 11:46

I had to think a bit about this final day - something I'm really proud of? I am proud of some of my work when I do it, but later on I pick it to death, or doubt if it's good, you know? So for me I'd say it's hard to maintain that sort of positivity over the long haul. There's a couple of stories that I like quite a bit, a couple of vids I'm fond of, but out and out proud? I just don't know. But then I remembered my second (and last) zine! A massive Starsky and Hutch anthology entitled Blood and Destiny.

I stayed up way too late for months in a row, learning layout and how to do bleeds for print, and editing (I WISH I hadn't been quite so anti-comma at the time, but oh, well) - the point is, I ended up with a 550 page (293,000 word count) Starsky & Hutch anthology: a perfect bound, paperback book.

I learned a lot, worked with a lot of talented people, including Sonja T, my lovely friend who does most of the artwork for my original fiction nowadays. She put in an incredible number of art pieces into the zine, over twenty (and she did almost as many for the first zine I did). I had some brilliant writers participate in the anthology with seventeen new stories, trivia and reprints. It was truly a learning experience, and I'm proud of the book and of the work and skill of the participants involved.

Excerpts and more

Blood and Destiny cover by Sonja -

And that's a wrap! I did it - got all 7 days in:)

zines, starsky_and_hutch, meme, zombies_are_here, fan fiction

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