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kassidy62 May 16 2013, 14:47:03 UTC
aw, it's good to hear from you:) I hope you are doing well and will see you again online soon. Writing is lovely, lovely stuff - just feeling some enthusiasm for a storyline isn't always doable. But hey, sometimes it is, and that's a happy place for me when I am.


kimberlyfdr May 16 2013, 11:25:02 UTC
I had kind of hoped they'd seal off heaven so that the angels were a done deal, frankly. But this could have possibilities.

I felt that way, too. Fallen angels, Cas without his grace, and the Winchesters being as co-dependent as ever. DEAN WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR SAM! :D


kassidy62 May 16 2013, 14:52:58 UTC
Their co-dependence is amazing, incredible stuff. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT SCENE at the end last night with them. I love how Sam let it all hang out, all that pain, and how Dean responded. You see how they feed into each other and you know - this is one of those shows you will always remember. I've had a few - S&H of course, ASJ, POTA, and now this, but the intensity of the leads, their chemistry and their feelings for each other, that crown belongs to S&H and SPN.


troyswann May 16 2013, 15:23:03 UTC
Hey! Jeez, I'm sorry to hear about Pillmageddon. That sucks. And the "unspecified" thing has got to be pretty frustrating. I hope it gets specified soon and you can stop being so topsy-turvy.

I'm glad to hear about the writing. *pom poms*


kassidy62 May 16 2013, 17:43:34 UTC
ah, the docs don't think it *matters* which one it is, since they treat that group of auto-immune problems the same way. But *I* personally would like to know. It took me years to get someone to listen to me about something being wrong, and in the meantime all this secondary symptomatic stuff was happening as a result, so talk about frustration!

But yes, writing:)))


hardboiledbaby May 17 2013, 07:15:56 UTC
:-( I'm sorry about Pillmageddon, but I hope the meds are helping. Yay writing! *\o/* xoxo


kassidy62 May 17 2013, 13:53:31 UTC
the pills slow down the AI responses, so yeah, they are helping, though there will never be a cure. I wish.


hardboiledbaby May 19 2013, 22:52:50 UTC
Well, let's say they don't have a cure right now, okay? *hugs*


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