SPN finale etc

May 16, 2013 00:12

It blew me away. I was so excited! Been disappointed with this season in general, then perked up my ears a few episodes ago. Lapsed back into "it's okay-ness" last episode. Really it's about keeping some continuity for the characters and the events and about showing that intensity that the Js have been able to display between them. I like my Winchesters co-dependent (hey, it's not real). I'd watch forever if that happened.

I seriously thought Jared was incredible. I didn't know he had that level in him after a season of wondering where the hell Sam had gone to, emotionally. And Dean, what is with him, that he can do that 'I'll take care of you, little brother" thing and it feels like a warm blanket? I mean, it's physical.

I had kind of hoped they'd seal off heaven so that the angels were a done deal, frankly. But this could have possibilities.

In other news, I haven't been posting much because life is upside down and topsy turvy, nothing comes with a guarantee and for some reason I had hoped it would by the time I was this old. I've gotten myself an unspecified auto-immune disease (maybe lupus, maybe connective tissue disease or some such shit) and am taking a batch of pills once a week (I call it Pillmageddon). Good times. Not really.

Under my pseudonym I am writing again at least - a sequel for Beneath the Neon Moon (a werewolf story). I'm guessing it'll come in around the 50,000 mark and if so, it'll be the longest I've ever written. But I'm horrible at estimating so we'll see. Could go longer.

Anyway, the episode got me crashing into my own account, evidently:) Just haven't posted much.

original post at http://kassidy62.dreamwidth.org/crossposted at LJ

spn, perils_of_an_ordinary_life, writing

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